Focal blur with Anim8or (3)

The depth of field effect can be treated as a focal blur, considering only the background blur. One more example:
The scene on the right was made of the terrain featured in the introductory part, the sky is from the blue-fogged height map, two distorted cylinders and of course, the bug.

Anim8or render with fog

Depth of field mask
- I made a depth map of the scene, as described earlier (all objects made white, black fog). In Paint Shop Pro I made a negative of the depth map, that is the mask (on the right)
- In Paint Shop Pro 7, I opened the Anim8or render and the mask file and processed the image as described at point 5 (previous page). See the gradually blurred image below.
You can fine-tune the effect playing around with two variables: the fog distance settings and the intensity of the blur applied. The effect goes from a subtle distant blur to a severe out of focus image. See some images below:

Depth of field - blur

More blur

Background out of focus

Background lost
Simulating distance, using only a gentle fog, works for high depth outdoor scenes, but that is not blur! While blur washes out contours, fog washes out just colors, leaving sharp margins. See below a comparison: 

No blur, no fog

Depth of field blur
Making focal blur effect by the method described in this tutorial is very fast. Excepting the render time, which varies for each scene, the image processing takes no more than one minute! Have fun and don't blur your mind! ;-) 

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Fog, colored as the background


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