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Author Topic: Need help correctly UV mapping a humanoid character and applying a texture  (Read 7371 times)


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Im trying to model a human character and I need to now how to UV map it correctly (I use UV mapper classic). 1) How do you know what type of UV map (box, planar, spherical, cylindrical, cylindrical cap) you should use for each body part? 2) After you unwrap the the body parts, is their any other manipulation you need to do to make the map perfect? 3) And if your model has alot of parts how do you separate them all?  :o

Thanks for any tips/tutorials.
If a squirel had lips...could it whistle?


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1) usually for organic shapes you'd want cylindrical (or cap) modelling. For buildings or something, box is the obvious choice. You should just pick the shape closest to the shape of the object: so if an arm or a torso is mostly cylindrical, that's what you'd pick.

2) Yes, there is plenty of other manipulation to be done. This is especially true if the object isn't really the same shape as the type of mapping you chose. A common one is that people cylindrical map a head. This is the 'right' choice to make, but it then takes ages to adjust the points to they are in the right place, make sure nothing is too stretched, try to keep adjacent faces in the right places etc. Note that the type of UV mapping you chose is just a good start, it is the manipulation that can take hours.

3) I usually use Lithunwrap, I think it's far easier to use than UV Mapper classic, so can't really help you with the specifics.


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Oh ok thanks for the info, I'm going to try this out!
If a squirel had lips...could it whistle?