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Author Topic: Morphing vs. Boning  (Read 12017 times)


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Morphing vs. Boning
« on: January 06, 2008, 03:41:05 pm »

I'm just getting to making and animating a mouth on my toon and I've seen some discussion on both boning and morphing for different purposes.

I'm interested in input on this, for a mouth movement (following speech) is morphing or boning the preferred method?

Also, if I could get some examples of situations when one would be preferred over the other for future reference.  For example: Boning would be better for a toe tap, etc.



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Re: Morphing vs. Boning
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 08:07:11 pm »

Morph targets are generally preferred for animating mouth movements, but especially for lip syncing in anim8or.  Other programs have different forms of morph targets or something of the sort, but from what I've seen, bones usually aren't preferred for animating mouths.
Bones are normally preferred for skeletal type movement, or normal movement upon a hinge.  The jaw does move on a hinge, but there is lip movement as well which makes things much trickier and not preferred with bones.  Therefore you use morph targets.  So when animating things such as a mouth, a piston, or even something like a flag you may want to use morph targets.  When animating things such as a hinge, or a character bones would be preferred.  You can get smooth transitions with bones as well, such as a rope, though you use many bones in a line normally to give more freedom.
I hope that helps you a bit ;)