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Author Topic: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)  (Read 31405 times)


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Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:35:33 am »

Well I've been playing with Anim8or for a while and have come up with these 7 pictures. They are just gathering cyberdust so I thought I'd share them with you!  ;D

This one uses a backround image, but its all rendered entirely in Anim8or.

This was me testing the new ART raytracer, and material attributes.

This is a render of the logo of my favorite band. Uses a backround image, but the planets are actual 3D objects.

This is just a random throw-together. The sailing ship looks photoshopped, but its actually a 3D model with a black texture!

This is a rusty robot in a forest. I don't know how he got there... perhaps he needs an oil-can?

This is really a test, but it showcases my trans-mapped rain so I kept it as an example.

And these lightsabers showcase my glowing transmap/emissive effect.

Hope you liked them, and I am always open to advice.

And anyone who would like to know how I made some of these can ask, I don't mind! :)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 06:42:39 am by CydoniaKnight »


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2008, 11:36:49 am »

Wow, that looks ace man! I do have a few questions
1: How did you create that rain effect?
2: How did you make the reflections?
3: Where did you get all these textures from?
4: How did you create that Lightsaber effect?
Sorry for all the questions lol


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2008, 12:04:22 pm »

very cool 8)  i especially like the 5th and 6th ones, the rain works very well.
just wondering how you did the lightsabres, the blades look a bit fragmented near the handles?

- colclough


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2008, 12:09:40 pm »

Really great images! I love the first one... the wood textures above the pool look a bit stretched, but the water is perfect! :)

Hey, Spicy, I think I can answer some of your questions (well, CydoniaKnight has already answered them...)

Quote from: spicy
1: How did you create that rain effect?
Quote from: CydoniaKnight
(...) it showcases my trans-mapped rain so I kept it as an example.
You will find the basics about transparency maps here:

Quote from: spicy
2: How did you make the reflections?
Quote from: CydoniaKnight
(...) testing the new ART raytracer, and material attributes.
Read more about Anim8or Ray Tracer here:

Quote from: spicy
4: How did you create that Lightsaber effect?
Quote from: CydoniaKnight
And these lightsabers showcase my glowing transmap/emissive effect.
Transparency maps again :) There's a topic on the old forum about laser effects, I believe that's what you're looking for:

That's it... Perhaps CydoniaKnight will give you better answers... I'd also like to know where he got the textures from.



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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2008, 12:14:47 pm »

Thanks for helping me Kubajzz, some of it was all written in the answers (How silly of me). But yes, I wonder where he got his textres from, unless he surfed google


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2008, 04:15:22 pm »

I really liked the little rain effect you made,The water looks real(in somewhat degree)

And I would like to go to that pool.  :)
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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2008, 04:19:37 pm »

Also (I missed it earlier!). How did you create that sunset effect?


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2008, 04:37:47 pm »

This was me testing the new ART raytracer, and material attributes.

A splendid image, as are the others.

Can you tell me if you work on a laptop or a desktop ? The reason being, I have both and the laptop tends to have a much brighter picture than the desktop. I only use the desktop for graphics because I find the colors much better.

As an example the ART image only shows as a few fuzzy dots on black on my desktop (attached screenshot) so I ran curves in PS and it turns out to be just beautiful.

Just curious  :D


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2008, 08:12:54 pm »

Thankyou for the responses guys! I'm really happy you like my work so much. :)

Time to answer all those questions! I'll add a few of my transmaps in this post... that would clear a few things up about my rain and lightsabers  ;)

I made the rain effect using this transparency map:

I used the above transparency map for the trans image and the specular image, so that way only the raindrops would shine and not the whole surface.
I left all the other settings as default, but changed specular to 2 and made the ambient/diffuse color:
R- 120 G- 193 B- 221, which results in a nice blue.

The sunset was made by using this backround image:

Which was behind this:

Which is a glowing transparency map effect (like my lightsabers) with an orange lightsource facing outwards.
And for all my water I just used a basic bumpmap.

The lightsabers... aren't entirely as good as they look. They weren't actually intended to be lightsabers, which explains the interesting blade development. They are just heaps of little planes, one infront of the other, with a glowing transparency map.
From side on, it vanishes totally but it is still looks really cool from an angle!

I used this transparency map:

To obtain the glow effect, I set emissive to 1 and the ambient/diffuse to whatever I color I want it to glow. The transmap does the rest. And specular should be on 0, so it doesn't shine... it just glows.

Now I appear to be gaining curiosity as to how I obtained my textures...
Most of my bumpmaps are made in paint, and then smoothed over in a more advanced imaging program. Same with the transmaps.
My actual textures though are just photographs of things outside. For example, the decking around the pool is a photo of the wooden table in my back yard :)
The concrete textures etc is just me playing with high-res photographs of mine.
The tree is just a few tree photos merged into one (that way it doesn't have a distinct look of what type of tree it is) with the same texture used as the bumpmap (i'm lazy like that :) ).
My lighting and rotation of objects hides the fact that textures aren't actually that good.

Lynn22, I work on a desktop. Its not the best machine... its very old, has a 900mhz processor and an integrated graphics card.
I work on it late at night with all the lights off, that way I get a better picture of what is on the screen at the time due to absolutely no light pollution.

Thanks for answering some of Spicy's questions Kubajzz.

And thanks everyone for the feedback! :)

And Eco, funny you should say that... I modeled the pool scene because I wanted to model somewhere that I'd like to go. I'll meet you there!  ;D

Hope I answered everything.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 08:18:20 pm by CydoniaKnight »


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2008, 04:09:17 am »

Cydonia Knight, about your rain transmap, maybe it's just me but: when reading text and having the map on the screen as well but not focusing on it, it seems to be shifting from left to right (and vice versa) when my eyes move about the screen, does anyone else have this problem?
And: you might want to try terranim8or's rain making abilities


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2008, 04:12:30 am »

sorry to ask another question just after you tried to get them all answered, cydoniaknight...  :-\

i only just noticed that in the MUSE picture, if you look carefully you can see the band members' faces in the background.  but they're really not easy to see (unless it's just my monitor being weird, which i doubt, as it's a pretty good one generally), i was just wondering if they were that obscure on purpose?

also, i hope you haven't patented that rain effect, because i might want to use that sometime ;D

- colclough

ps. tanzim: no, i don't have that problem...


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2008, 04:48:32 am »

Tanzim, yes I noticed that when re-reading my post. I'm just guessing here, but I think it might be something to do with the refresh rate of our monitors... I notice it on my CRT, so I'm guessing that you also have a CRT, and thecolclough has an LCD, so he doesn't notice it. Is that right, thecolclough?

I've never given much thought to terranim8or... I like to produce my own effects. Is its rain better than mine?

And thecolclough... you noticed! I didn't actually expect anyone to notice that! Yes, they are supposed to be rather hard to see. I'm glad you noticed... you must have really been analysing my picture! :)
And sure, you can use the rain effect. You can even use my transmap ;)


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2008, 05:44:09 am »

... and thecolclough has an LCD, so he doesn't notice it. Is that right, thecolclough?

impressive powers of deduction, cydoniaknight!  (your real name isn't holmes, is it?)  yes, i've got an LCD - it's a Samsung 19-inch 4:3 one, running at 1280x1024 pixels, just in case you hadn't already deduced that too!  ;D

And thecolclough... you noticed! I didn't actually expect anyone to notice that! Yes, they are supposed to be rather hard to see. I'm glad you noticed... you must have really been analysing my picture! :)

yeah, i was analysing...  i was also hunched over the aforementioned LCD at an un-ergonomically close distance!  one of my many bad habits :P

And sure, you can use the rain effect. You can even use my transmap ;)

thank ye kindly, amigo :)

- colclough


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2008, 06:01:10 am »

Hehe... elementary, my dear watson. I mean... thecolclough...
And yes, of course, I already knew your screen resolution. Infact, I am watching you right now...

I'm quite happy that you spent alot of un-ergonomic effort looking at my pictures. Don't look at any more though... I haven't hidden anything else! Or have I...? :)


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Re: Some of my best work... Just feel like sharing it :)
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2008, 09:38:03 am »

Thanks for letting me know CydoniaKnight, it has helped me load. Thanx
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