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Author Topic: Any way to get the camera view to match the render a bit more accurately?  (Read 10903 times)


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I render a lot in Scene and Object mode, but I often use weird image dimensions (particularly very tall images when rendering "multiviews" of furniture pieces)

Just wondering (esp @Steve) if there's any way in Anim8or to set up the camera so that the ratio matches the render resolution? Like if I'm rendering, say, a 400w*600h image, that the green box in the camera can show up with a similar ratio/resolution?

Some images below to help illustrate what I mean. The first image has the view cropped perfectly by height and the render is very small. The second image is cropped VERY far in to match the width and the render is more or less correct.


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In the Scene->Properties dialog, click on the Movie Image button. Then either select a predefined size, or set your own image size.

Note: You also have to select Automatic for the Aspect Ratio if you aren't using a pre-set ratio. Otherwise Anim8or automatically adjusts the size to match the ration selected.