Is it necessary to add the eyes and teeth to seperate bones in the fig editor?.
In most cases you might find that if you just add the whole object/character, complete with eyes and teeth already within the main object, then attach the whole character to figure as per normal.
This might work for you. (it does work). and You only need one eyeball.
Make an eyeball that fits your characters face/eye sockets.
Then, Cut eyeball from that object, go 'object -> new' and paste, so that now the eyeball is a seperate object
Center the eyeball. ie 'edit->Locate-> Center about origin'
Then make morph targets Look Left, Look right, Look up and Look down.
Once that is done, copy the eyeball back to your character and position into one eye socket.
Then go back to eyeball object, copy again and paste back into your character and position into the other eyesocket.
Add character to figure in figure mode as per normal.
When you add your figure to scene mode you should see your Look Left, look right etc.. morph targets in the left of the time track. Set a key for each morph. (select morph -> press 'k'
Open graph editor to adjust morph strength by selecting key in graph editor and dragging up and down. Both eyes will move in unison.
Using that method does away with needing to add eyes to bones.