Hello everyone!!!
Nellucnaiv and I talked about this topic and I realized that it is not only my problem but for everyone. I am going to expose 2 problems:
- the first problem is about the workspace of anim8or which is too little. when you want to expand the edit track in order to see all the morphs and stuffs, the views become really tight. I sometimes try to zoom in and move the views but as soon as I alter a key, it zooms out again.

I think it would be great if
Steve makes the edit track float like the graph editor.
- the second problem which I found really annoying is that Anim8or 3d space is little. I personaly often model landscapes and if I want to see things in detail, I should scale it far bigger than the camera FOV(field of view). When i scale it in a big size, the object just get cut(some part of the object becomes invisible/ hidden beyond the space limit)! Of course I used the green circle by clicking the center mouse button and moving it to see the other parts, but the problem is that when you want to see the other parts, the previous parts will get cut. So, the user can't see the whole object. The hugest problem is that the image in the camera box which has the cut object is applied in the rendered image and video too, which makes the video really annoying. You can't see the whole object in the rendered image and video (scanline renderer). I really like using scanline! I think that
Steve or
Raxx should do something about it because users can't keep animating models in a limited space. Personnaly, I am a landscape modeler and I model wide landscapes.
I have uploaded a video in youtube which shows this problem. and notice how the hidden part of the forest appear. I have even modeled a mountain not far from the forest but the space limited it and it didn't appear. I would appreciate any feed-back.