I've noticed with shortcut key
'k', for key selected bones and morph targets', that bones need to be selected for a morph target to be keyed at the same time.
It would be good if you could select just a morph target, or targets' and key those with
'k' as well. ie: key selected morph targets with no bones selected.
Position and Orientation keys could possibly be an option as well?
What say you.

Edit: Point in case: I've got a bouncy ball with a face. It has 13 morph targets, and no rig.
With Orientation and position keys added, thats 15 'double click -> ok's to set the first keys for that. A Left click to select 1, then right clicks to select the rest, then press 'k', is sooo much quicker.
And, further along, same deal. Single or multiple morph targets can be selected and 'k'd in no time at all.