Hi I posted a few months ago about wanting saveable named views in Anim8or.
Unfortunately I haven't used animator for a couple of months due to being bogged down in coding menu and inventory systems for my game.
So it was a huge delight to come back to rendering more characters for my game, and discover that named views have now been added!
I have only had a quick play but this feature is going to make character development so much quicker, the gain in productivity is going to be huge!
The only limitation is not being able to save views globally to use in all my projects, but that is very minor really (it only takes a couple of minutes to set up my custom views).
So thats a big thank you from me

P.S. Animator is definitely the best software for creating 2D game characters, so much so I have windows 7 running in parallels on my mac, just so I can keep using it