I initially thought it would be easier than it actually was.(My first couple of attempts wouldn't work)
In the end i made 14 pieces, (1 object), and textured each of them seperately.
For the textures, i chopped up the nest image, into 14 pieces, and added 1 cut texture to each piece of object.
(the objects had extra edges added, at roughly the length of the quote, and the texture is applied to that 'part' of the face only)
For creating the morphs, i hid all but one at a time,(easier) and simply slid the textured area from left to right.
The rest was just a matter of getting the keys right in scene mode.
Far from perfect, and to do all four sides i would've needed to prepare the remaining 3 sides as i'd done the first.
Animation is illusion. When you see the actual file its pretty untidy, but the theory works, and with a bit more care and work, the illusion could be made a lot better.
I've attached the file with textures.