I see
kreator suggested setting limits to the bone rotation. (instead of no-limits)
That'll solve the problem most of the time.
If you still hit problems, please let us know. There are some crazy quirks in the animation system, mostly work-around-able, but often enough to drive one a little crazy.
If we keep talking about the animation odditys as we come across them, then we could define the worst ones, that do drive us nuts, and maybe sometime in the new year
steve might find time to have a look.
The spinning bones has always been an issue, and has been discussed a lot in the past. (a search shows some of the posts, but i remember a lot more said about it 6 or 7 years ago.)
Setting limits, Using the graph editor, setting angles by entering values manually, double keying, and watching the values carefully, especially going from a positive to negative, or negative to positive value, are all ways of solving most of the issues.
(re graph editor: Awesome for lots of stuff, but i'd like to know how to increase the range in the graph editor. Often, i can't use it for bone rotation, because i can't get to the higher values, so need to enter values manually)
Anim8ors animation system is definately a challenge at times, but keep in mind, animating is a challenge in any software. (keyframe animation is a learning thing, and gets easier)
Anim8or has so many good things going for it, but i admit, the animation system, as it is, can be very, very frustrating. But on the plus side, we have sequences, a graph editor, and morphing.
When the animation system has been cleaned up a bit, then anim8or will be an extraordinarily cool piece of 'áll-round' modelling and animation software.
Hang in there davdud. Keep us posted on probs you're having and let us know how the 'crazy bone spin' is treating you.