Youtube on material on 4 faces.
Great video, the missing parts for Newbies, FIRST ... it would be nice to start from where the program opens.
Then the video would answer these questions:
1) Where did the Materials menu come from?
2) Why Would you center the cube?
3) How did it get from "Front" to "Perspective" view?
4) Why is it necessary to increase the Material's gray scale?
5) It didn't seem necessary to be in "flat shaded". "smooth shaded", the opening default, seems to work the same.
6) Why go back to front face, seems you can click on the face from perspective view?
7) Why use UV, just select the a different face image of each face, lot less steps, then select material and "Apply"?
8 )But why does it only work on a few of the faces, even though: you chose the face, it turned yellow and you hit "Apply" for each face?
9) Why in "materials" is diffuse chosen for the face image?
10 You chose "arc rotate" mode, but why does: World, Object, Screen Coordinates buttons make no difference?
These are not questions to answer, but show the complexities that a Newbie has to face.
Back to my question,
How do I apply light blue to every face with only one Materials "Apply" mouse click. I tried it with the simple box, same results,
Some time it works and some time not!!