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Author Topic: [-] None-Uniform-Scale, Group in Group.  (Read 11175 times)


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[-] None-Uniform-Scale, Group in Group.
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:13:38 pm »

[-] None-Uniform-Scale, Group in Group.

It seems child group's inside a parent group don't get there position adjusted, when the parent group is none-uniform-scaled. (or the preview of the none-uniform-scaling is wrong.)

- Create 4 mesh items (one in each work-space-quadrant)
- Apply 'make group' on each of the mesh items separately. (Child groups)
- Select all, and apply 'make group' (Parent group)
- 'None uniform scale' the Parent group.

- As of version(built):
- OS: XP.

(Just dumping any, to me, potential unintentional stuff.)

*build update*
*Removed build update need*
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 05:00:15 am by MvGulik »