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Author Topic: Advanced Spherize  (Read 15118 times)


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Advanced Spherize
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:24:24 am »

Alright, this tool lets you make spherical any mesh object. Install the two scripts into your scripts directory, and then create the Spherize Helper Shape (parametric shape button in your left toolbar) around whatever you want to spherize. The helper shape has a lot of options, so double click it and play with it to figure out the behavior.

It's a little funky, use at your own risk. It does work with morph targets though....

  • Convergence Radius: This is the middle line where points (can) converge. This is changed by using the Uniform Scale tool, or by manually entering the parameter. Radius is in Anim8or units.
  • Inner Radius: This is the small dotted circle within the Convergence Radius. It indicates where points begin to converge towards the convergence radius (or where they stop if inverted). This is changed by scaling along the Y axis using the scale tool, or by manually entering the parameter. The number is the multiplier (ie 0.50 would be half the Convergence Radius)
  • Outer Radius: This is the large dotted circle outside of the Convergence Radius. Same as inner radius, in concept. This is changed by scaling along the X axis using the scale tool, or by manually entering the parameter.
  • Inner Falloff: 0 means no falloff, which means all points in the inner circle will be flattened against the Convergence Radius (if inverted, against the Inner Radius). 1 means linear falloff, which is a fade effect in terms of strength as the distance is greater/smaller
  • Outer Falloff: Same as Inner Falloff (in concept)[/b]
  • Invert Outer Dir: Invert the outer direction. Basically flips the direction the points will move. (0 is default, 1 flips)
  • Invert Inner Dir.: Same as above.
  • Strength: Global adjustment of the influence that helper object has on the meshes. 0.000 (no influence) to 1.000 (max influence)
  • Dot Density: Density of the little indicator arrows in the helper shape. Aesthetics. 0.000 to 1.000

You can have more than one helper shape in an object at a time. Multiple helper shapes can influence single/multiple meshes. You can limit the deforming to selected meshes or selected points within those meshes. If nothing is selected, all meshes in the object will be deformed if within radius of the helper shapes.

Note: The changes the Spherize script does cannot be undone. Best to play with copies of the meshes in a new object or be prepared to reload the file.

I was going to include subdivision meshes but forgot that the cage data can't be accessed :P
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 01:34:45 am by Raxx »


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Re: Advanced Spherize
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 05:00:26 pm »

Cool Raxx :)
work for me!!


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Re: Advanced Spherize
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 01:39:58 am »


Thanks for the spherize script. It is a bit tricky, but I'm catching on. Having no control+z was a problem at first, but I figured out that if I copy just before running the script, if I don't like the result, I can just press delete, then control+v and revert to the original mesh and "spherize helper." This works fine unless I forget to copy first. This is a really great addition--Thank you!

My First "Sherized" Objects:

« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 01:44:08 am by ronaldefarmer »