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Author Topic: 3D all da waaaaaay - 3D printer Concept design  (Read 8322 times)


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3D all da waaaaaay - 3D printer Concept design
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:59:33 am »

So I've been thinking of getting a 3D printer but non had offered up the key things I wanted (the closest being the rep-rap but it's just way to small for my liking). So hey why not just make one my self, and why not make it anim8or compatible 8)

So I've tried to simplify the concept of the 3D printer so that it can use as less materials as possible in constructing the unit. On top of that I wanted it to be as efficient with its space as much as possible. Some models have the hot platform move along the Z axis; but this means that I must have room for the platform to move. If the printer takes up 2ft by 2ft by 1ft I want it to be able to print objects as close to that size as possible, meaning I can't have a moving platform take up space so it can move back and forth.

So here is my concept design, quite rough as it stands right now.
Also please note in this image the Y axis wont work like that (the shaft would need to turn, so it couldn't be attached to the frame like that)


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Re: 3D all da waaaaaay - 3D printer Concept design
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2014, 01:35:16 pm »



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Re: 3D all da waaaaaay - 3D printer Concept design
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 06:15:41 pm »

I don't see how that helps.
Specially when it lists the closest 3D printing firm as 1000 KM away.