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Author Topic: Blenderize me, but why?  (Read 16943 times)


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Blenderize me, but why?
« on: July 05, 2014, 02:29:40 pm »

I keep getting shoves, from people I respect, toward Blender. Admittedly, I'm still new to Anim8or, having given up sPatch not all that long ago and with more than a little hesitation, but they seem to feel Anim8or will fall short, somewhere, somehow. I'm not seeing where, or how? Anyone clue me in? I know the renderer is limited, but Steve is actively working on the program (yeah, I know, he's in Italy at the moment), and there are other renderers that I can use. Bones are bones (or armatures), and IK would be lovely, but what makes Blender superior? Every single time I've tried to do a tutorial or a project in Blender, I've made absolutely no progress. And that includes a very simple snowman, which I couldn't do in Blender, 'cause it made no sense, but pulled out of Anim8or in no time, without any problem. I do note that a lot of the senior Forum members seem to use multiple tools, probably for a reason. Model me confused.

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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2014, 04:28:08 pm »

Blender used to be an awful mess, imho, but they've cleaned it up quite a bit. I still don't care for the design, though.  Anim8or has a great layout and it is easy to quickly find what you are looking for, but it is still missing a few pieces of what I would call essential functionality - which has to be replicated manually or simply can't be done at all.  IK, exporting sequences, etc.

I think the modelling tools are just fine, since I end up manually placing each vertex anyway, but the animation tools could still use some more work.  It's coming along though. I get so little time for 3d adventuring that Anim8or suits me fine most of the time.  Sooner or later you will find that you need a feature that isn't in Anim8or and Blender can be useful for that.  Blender is very feature rich and can do some very nice things.  I just generally find it irritating.

Overall, I'd say that Anim8or is a fantastic place to start to get the fundamental concepts of 3d down.  That may be all you need, depending on what you are using it for, but if you are spending a lot of time animating and want something more robust I'd say to wait till LightWave goes on sale.  Everyone has their own preference, and you can do trials of all the professional grade programs out there, so maybe use Anim8or till you know how to get from point A to point B and then test the others out to see what you like.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2014, 09:20:00 pm »

I find it odd that Anim8or and Blender are compared to each other so often, when aside from the fundamental 'point' of both, being the creation of 3D models, rendered stills and animations, there is really no similarity at all.  Anim8or is one person's attempt to create a 3D animation system because it was something he was interested in doing.  Blender is (or at least was) an open-source development with the aim of developing a free system that can bring it to the big $ systems, or at least that's how I understand it.

I have both, as well as other non-free systems, and use them for different purposes.  Personally, I don't like Blender much.  While these days it can be considered 'professional' or 'industry standard', I am not a fan of the interface and find it hideously complicated, unintuitive and slow to work with.  The only reason I use it at all is so I can work with models created in Blender by co-collaborators, and I usually pull them out and work in Carrara or Anim8or anyway.  On the other hand, while I do 99% of my modelling in Anim8or, it is not able to provide the standard of work I require for my current projects which include physics, particle effects, animated textures and full 1080HD 24fps animations, often running over 300-400 frames per animation with 15-20 such animations per project.

My advice to you jwalt, would be to consider what you want from a system now, and what your future plans are.  If Anim8or provides the tools you need to bring your imaginings to life through 3D modelling and animation, then there's no need to overcomplicate matters.  Not that Anim8or is as limited as you might have been led to believe; it has more than enough functionality to challenge all but the most demanding of CGI artists (you could argue that Anim8or would actually be more challenging, since it has fewer out-of-the-box shortcuts and requires some actual artistry to get the best out of it).  On the other hand, if you intend to continue down the CGI path, aiming perhaps at doing it professionally or even as part of a collaborative project, it might be a good idea to persist with Blender as the things this will teach you could turn out to be invaluable... and it's free to download.

Ultimately, neither system will suffice on their own IMO and spending $ on LightWave, Maya, 3DSMax or even Carrara is probably worthwhile, but both are useful tools in your CGI arsenal.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2014, 07:33:40 am »

I have explored many 3d progs in the attempt to find the easiest best production tools.
I have dipped into blender over time and agree it is has become easier to navigate.
There are so many tutorials by various authors out there for Blender.
I like to choose an area of investigation and follow a tutorial pausing and reviewing it as i go
whilst simultaneously using Blender to copy what they do.
Though rarely completing the tutorials, each time i pick up a little more info and skill.
Recently followed one one on facial rigging with controls.
the modeling section is getting easier too and i recently found proportional editing.
Also you can import pre boned IK character rigs from makehuman.
I think if you can master both anim8or and blender it has got to be good.
The younger the mind the better the chance of that...


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2014, 04:09:49 am »

In many ways the differences between simple and complicated accurately describe Anim8or verses Blender. It also depends on your modeling needs. Anim8or, was designed to be user friendly and for the general masses. Blender, though a very advanced modeler requires a major learning curve even with recent changes to try to make it more user friendly, but it has a long ways to go in terms of wide spread use by many people that attempt to use it and spend far to much time just learning it's odd UI.

My recommendation would be to use it in conjunction with Anim8or rather then a replacement of it. Anim8or rocks! Blender well meh? Leroy.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 04:10:37 am by lppena »


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2014, 08:17:36 am »

I think Anim8or is pretty-easy, and excels in the area of modeling. I have tried Blender time and time again (I actually have it on this here macbook), and though I can't say I've ever learned any of the tools extensively (dat learning curve tho), but Blender seems to be a fantastic tool for doing animations and rigging and stuff. But I can't learn it because the tools are just too dense to learn and I don't have the time. Plus, Anim8or's animation capabilities I feel are plenty good enough for my needs


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2014, 12:22:58 pm »

Start by getting used to the Blender counterparts of the Anim8or tools you use. Then gradually add other Blender tools that come in handy. You'll find yourself outgrowing Anim8or in no time.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 04:07:05 pm »

Anim8or is pretty amazing. It does lack a lot of things though. I've been working with Anim8or on and off for years and there has always been talk of other software to use with Anim8or.

That being said, if you start using Blender (or another package), you don't have to "outgrow" Anim8or as nemyax said. You should find ways to incorporate other software with Anim8or. A polygon is a polygon. As for me this is the best modeler in the universe. I know the UI and how to get where I'm going quickly. There is no reason, that I know of, to change the way I model. If I'm doing something that Anim8or isn't capable of, I export to another program and do it there.

Blender is a great program. It's main flaw is the learning curve. But it's free. So if you're a penny pincher, I suggest you learn Blender. If money isn't a problem, then there are tons of different software packages you can use instead. But if you're anything like me, then you will still use Anim8or for certain things because of the easy workflow.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2014, 06:14:15 pm »

Anim8or or Blender? It depends on what you want:
If you want to do high-quality animation and are willing to devote a lot of time and work very hard to develop new skills--Blender. If you want to have a lot of fun making cool stuff almost right away--Anim8or.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2014, 06:05:59 am »

Generally, if you feel you're going to end up pursuing studio work in either cinema or game development, you should start familiarizing yourself with professional programs such as Cinema4D, ZBrush, Maya, Max, Lightwave, etc. You should also be pursuing a degree in this field, and as you become more immersed in it, the programs you should be focusing on for your concentration (animation vs modeling), and for your locale or dream job, will become more and more apparent. These programs also have cheap/free educational licenses you can get once you are affiliated with a college.

For freelance work, you can stay with Blender for animations and final asset production. You can also stay with the cheaper/free (but just as effective) auxiliary software such as Anim8or, Sculptris, 3D-Coat, Messiah Studio, Wings3D, Cheetah3D, DDO, Marmoset Toolbag, Carrara, Substance Designer/Painter, etc etc. Use what's comfortable for you that gets you the best results for the best price.

Otherwise if you want to stay a hobbyist, why worry? If Anim8or isn't doing what you want, find a program that does. Blender has a learning curve, but so does every other program, and believe it or not, there is no difference in difficulty between learning Blender and learning, say, Cinema4D or any of the other animation suites. Different != difficult.

Do your own homework and find a program that has:
  • Features you'd like to take advantage of (preferably ones that make you excited)
  • Accessible online resources such as tutorials and sample files
  • A price you're comfortable investing in
  • An online community where you can ask questions, share your work, and gain experience.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2014, 06:45:11 am »

I use another modeler called Caligari's old product Truespace 7.61/6.6 combo. It's no longer supported, but is still available for free and has a fairly simple set of modeling tools. It's actually 2 separate modelers integrated in to one user switchable mode via a software based bridge. I've used it for years and like Anim8or will never ever part with either because both are so easy for the average needs of most casual model makers. Also, remember that Steve is upgrading Anim8or with some new features that should keep very handy and useful for all us model making doodlers. 


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2014, 06:27:25 pm »

Anim8or is a wonderful modeller and more, highly recommended.
Once you feel you have exhausted it, add another tool to your tool box.
At that point you will be able to decide for yourself.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2014, 02:16:21 pm »

The only reason I use it at all is so I can work with models created in Blender by co-collaborators, and I usually pull them out and work in Carrara or Anim8or anyway.  On the other hand, while I do 99% of my modelling in Anim8or, it is not able to provide the standard of work I require for my current projects which include physics, particle effects, animated textures and full 1080HD 24fps animations, often running over 300-400 frames per animation with 15-20 such animations per project.

My advice to you jwalt, would be to consider what you want from a system now, and what your future plans are.  If Anim8or provides the tools you need to bring your imaginings to life through 3D modelling and animation, then there's no need to overcomplicate matters.  Not that Anim8or is as limited as you might have been led to believe; it has more than enough functionality to challenge all but the most demanding of CGI artists (you could argue that Anim8or would actually be more challenging, since it has fewer out-of-the-box shortcuts and requires some actual artistry to get the best out of it).  On the other hand, if you intend to continue down the CGI path, aiming perhaps at doing it professionally or even as part of a collaborative project, it might be a good idea to persist with Blender as the things this will teach you could turn out to be invaluable... and it's free to download.

Ultimately, neither system will suffice on their own IMO and spending $ on LightWave, Maya, 3DSMax or even Carrara is probably worthwhile, but both are useful tools in your CGI arsenal.

I recently bought Carrara (on sale). One reason was the promise that it could work with the DAZ Studio figures. It sure doesn't seem to work with the DAZ figures in my case. I'm curiouse, Ensoniqs, if the DAZ models behave in your installation?

I'd recently given F8ce a try and was hopeful that it might help. F8ce comes close to what I needed/wanted. I can make a fairly decent human body in Anim8or, but my faces never, ever come out right.


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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2014, 03:03:13 pm »

Daz3D and Poser  Figures do work with Carrara, You need to get your head around the Runtime Folders. and how to import them to the right places then you will see them in the Browser/Content tab.



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Re: Blenderize me, but why?
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2014, 03:28:09 am »

I'm really not sure I can help jwalt, I have hardly used pre-built figures in Carrara and on the few occasions that I have they kinda just worked!  Have a look through your documentation regarding, as kreator mentioned, your runtime folders and how to initialise everything.