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Author Topic: Changed to Older Releases [builds 1162 to 1230]  (Read 744407 times)


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #195 on: December 07, 2014, 09:30:10 am »

New Build working great except for maximized start.

Im liking the localised scaling.



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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #196 on: December 07, 2014, 01:44:36 pm »

Hello Anim8or world...again. Have logged in just a couple of times like in last years, lot of changes in my life ( good/few- bad/lot ). But still here :). Wow wow wow, Anim8or is more alive as ever ! :D
I feel like I lost the ball, since haven't follow the growth of our little ( little?!! ... " you talkin' to me ?!! "  8) ) buddy. So since I used a lot to 0.97d I can make the comparison with the new one. My computer( laptop) specs are : Windows 8.1 , NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M, OpenGL 4.0 .
About that "BigSize window on start-up of program" thing I have no problem, it starts fine as it did in 0.97d too. Although I have some problem to start Anim8or. Some times it doesn't start at all. Actually it does in some specific order: I have to run the 1061 build first and then I can run any others, 1140 including. Otherwise, I start the 0.97d ( and find out actually it does the same for other builds ) and it says something about " can't register file extension" but starts anyway, only not full window size. All the other builds start full size, just fine.
Now, what seems not to work for me at all is that new point editing selecting changes. I can use the Fast Select button but I can only select points, edges,  faces by one each time with the LMB. I cant move them like with RMB by adding a selection to a previous selected item ( P/E/F ).So with the RMB, if there is a face selected, if I try to move that one selected with another one by selecting that second one only the second will be moving and the first will be deselected. Kinda a mixed up situation. Also those RMB and MMB same movement affects seems to be confusing after "normal" 0.97d controlment. All that "old Anim8or behaviors" work fine with the Fast Select off. Screenshot below ( since me myself can't understand what I wrote here ;D ) :

That ALT usage for the Arc Rotate is good, although I hope Steve wont shut down the old good Ctrl + r shortcut for it, I like it a lot, keep them both please ;)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 01:49:55 pm by Gyperboloid »


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #197 on: December 07, 2014, 02:51:24 pm »

Gyperboloid: With Fast Select enabled, there are different behaviors clicking without dragging, and click-dragging. See the topic New Point Editing Rules for the details. Let me know if there are still any problems (and, of course, I always like to hear any feedback, suggestions, etc :) ).


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #198 on: December 07, 2014, 04:23:49 pm »

That ALT usage for the Arc Rotate is good, although I hope Steve wont shut down the old good Ctrl + r shortcut for it, I like it a lot, keep them both please
+1 for that.
 Using the Alt key can certainly make things easier, but there's times when when i'd like to stay in Arc Rotate, without needing to keep finger on the Alt key. (like when sitting back navigating around your masterpiece in Arc Rotate and needing to reach for the coffee. lol)..
 Have spent a little time with fast select button on now. Lookin fwd to being able to pick the points more easily tho. (i know you're working on that one Steve)
 When i see the red showing on edges and faces that cursor is over, (cool), it feels like a little red circle should appear when you hover over a point.
 But i guess thats easier said than done...
 Loving Anim8or all over again. Great Stuff Steve. Awesome program.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 04:26:22 pm by johnar »


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #199 on: December 07, 2014, 05:41:57 pm »

Little red circle --- hmmm --- not a bad idea at all!


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #200 on: December 07, 2014, 07:17:33 pm »

Hah,now I got it,although I have read it before. So actually it's more about LMB usage. Yet, for now a little bit confusing on when to use it, since used to shortcuts.
Maybe, then, about some other things have noticed:
1) remember that draw+selecting, by holding Ctrl down and selecting and deselecting with LMB RMB and MMB ? Keep in mind I refer always about 0.97d in which it worked perfectly and I loved it :) By holding down the Ctrl it was possible to click with LMB or RMB or the MMB and continuously select items, leave mouse buttons and while still holding Ctrl key select or deselect by left middle or right clicking again. Now the RMB is "out of the game". Also when Ctrl is pressed and any of mouse buttons used ( MMB LMB ) you have to release Ctrl then push it again and only then mouse buttons will affect the selecting again. In other words : push Ctrl and hold it down, click with LMB/RMB/MMB and drag while pressing the mouse button ( don't let it go until select everything want ) then let mouse button but don't let Ctrl (pressed all the time  ) and then you are able to click with mouse button and continue selecting. All that in 0.97d. Now, when selected something and released mouse buttons  (only, Ctrl still pressed ) then, if want to continue selecting by pressing mouse button again you can't proceed , you have to release Ctrl first and press it down again, only then start clicking with mouse buttons.

2) the points,edges,faces buttons under coordinates and x,y,z, buttons. The p/e/f now are enabled all together, while in the old version only one item was every time. When there was a need to change say from points to faces only faces ( g shortcut ) could be enabled and the points were disabled automatically. Now we have to enable faces ( once pressing ) and to disable ( twice pressing ) points ( of course all that when points not needed ). I just wander if there will be the need for all enabled . Wont it be kind of confusing ? All that because it was kinda safe to manipulate one item every time and not to be afraid of to mess it up. Although it's kind of total freedom and it needs just to get used to it and since these implementations are some new things , additional possibilities, while the old ones wont be taken down, then I guess it's alright. Maybe others can give their opinion about it ?

That's about new things. There're some old little things like for example world coordinates and object coordinates , where LMB and RMB affect the opposite axes, in y- axis ( up and down movement with LMB ) with moving ( which is the " problematic", rotate is good ) tool the LMB acts in z-coordinates while the RMB which should affect in z-coordinates does it in y-axis. Also the MMB do exact the same with LMB, maybe there's a way to " release" it ( MMB ) since it does nothing different ? And object coordinates has the same affect with the world coordinates , even after rotating object's pivot .

That's for now. :)


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #201 on: December 08, 2014, 07:43:30 am »

"can't register file extension"
Just some general information on this windows message.
This is probably a general Window-rights/protection thing. (Vista, and up I guess)

Anim8or checks its own register "Version" key to see if it need to update the general/default "Run an8 with ..." register settings. Its probably that second part that triggers that message.

(Can also be triggered when Anim8or is started in a Admin-type user account. Only using "Run as Admin" seems to not trigger this message.)

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 07:47:05 am by MvGulik »


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #202 on: December 08, 2014, 12:37:32 pm »

Anim8or keep information in the register in two places.

1. It stores user preferences, most recent files opened, etc., in the user key HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

2. It also associates the ".an8" file extension with the current Anim8or executable, and optionally the ".3ds" extension. For Win2K and later OSs this is in the "Software\Classes\" key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER which is a user-specific key. In per Win2K OSs the global HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is used because the user-specific one didn't exist.



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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #203 on: December 09, 2014, 01:04:38 am »

Latest version has a bug. I can't select multiple faces when holding down the ctrl key.


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #204 on: December 09, 2014, 12:31:40 pm »

Latest version has a bug. I can't select multiple faces when holding down the ctrl key.

No, neither can I  in 1140, it was always useful to fast select a whole load of faces whilst holding down the rightmouse , but  using shift instead is able to multi select but not as the old way you have to click each face. If fast select is unchecked it works though.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 12:33:49 pm by kreator »


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #205 on: December 09, 2014, 01:27:42 pm »

I've mentioned wanting paint-select functionality retained in fast-edit mode for Ctrl as well, right from the start. Ctrl with the move tool moves things along the normal, which is weird to me. I'm in agreement with all you guys on that.

kreator, you don't have to hold shift to multi-select while right-clicking. Right-clicking adds on to the selection like normal in fast edit mode.

Gyperboloid, regarding point #2, I haven't had any issues with it, really. Once the point-picking problem is fixed, fast-edit mode will be a breeze with all of them enabled. And if you need to toggle anything in either mode, you can do it fast enough with 'T'. Personally, in the past, being limited to just one element at a time and constantly clicking between them has been far more annoying.


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #206 on: December 09, 2014, 01:55:12 pm »

kreator, you don't have to hold shift to multi-select while right-clicking. Right-clicking adds on to the selection like normal in fast edit mode.

Just checked it out again you can in fact use ctrl with paint-select ( or multi face selection ) in fast select just use the left mouse when holding down ctrl. TBH with all these new things happening its just getting confusing! LOL!!


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #207 on: December 09, 2014, 02:20:35 pm »

kreator, you don't have to hold shift to multi-select while right-clicking. Right-clicking adds on to the selection like normal in fast edit mode.

Just checked it out again you can in fact use ctrl with paint-select ( or multi face selection ) in fast select just use the left mouse when holding down ctrl. TBH with all these new things happening its just getting confusing! LOL!!

Only with the select tool can you do it. What I'm after is to retain this functionality in all the transformation tools, so that you can paint select with, say, the move or scale tool, without having to enable the select tool just for that.


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #208 on: December 09, 2014, 07:45:25 pm »

1) remember that draw+selecting, by holding Ctrl down and selecting and deselecting with LMB RMB and MMB ? Keep in mind I refer always about 0.97d in which it worked perfectly and I loved it :) By holding down the Ctrl it was possible to click with LMB or RMB or the MMB and continuously select items, leave mouse buttons and while still holding Ctrl key select or deselect by left middle or right clicking again. Now the RMB is "out of the game". Also when Ctrl is pressed and any of mouse buttons used ( MMB LMB ) you have to release Ctrl then push it again and only then mouse buttons will affect the selecting again. In other words : push Ctrl and hold it down, click with LMB/RMB/MMB and drag while pressing the mouse button ( don't let it go until select everything want ) then let mouse button but don't let Ctrl (pressed all the time  ) and then you are able to click with mouse button and continue selecting. All that in 0.97d. Now, when selected something and released mouse buttons  (only, Ctrl still pressed ) then, if want to continue selecting by pressing mouse button again you can't proceed , you have to release Ctrl first and press it down again, only then start clicking with mouse buttons.

Raxx, that's what I said before. Now the RMB doesn't affect that paint-clicking by adding to the already selected as it did in previous, not even when Fast Select is off. I guess it's not a bug as a such, but because of all those new "Point Editor Selecting Rules". The thing is that if you want to select say in a line of faces 2 groups of faces which are separated by some faces you do not want to select you cant use this paint-selecting since you can select only the first group of faces and not the second one by RMB adding to selected since it doesn't affect it.


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Re: Current Development Release - Build 1140, December 5, 2014
« Reply #209 on: December 09, 2014, 11:06:12 pm »

Alright, sorry, was hard to understand what you were trying to say.

In summary: The RMB doesn't work anymore when paint-selecting.

Basically, what I propose (which I've proposed before...) that you guys might agree on is:
  • Keep Ctrl as the paint-select toggle key for both regular and fast-edit mode
  • Paint-select remains functional for LMB (select only what's painted), MMB (deselect what's painted), RMB (add what's painted to current selection)
  • Paint-select remains available for just the select tool in normal mode. In fast edit mode, it remains available for the select, move, rotate, scale, and non-uniform scale tools.
  • Move the "Move along normals" functionality to a different modifier key and only for the move tool--such as the MMB when Ctrl is not active

An issue that I'd like to bring up is the bit about modifier keys and consistency with their usage.
  • Should Ctrl be used as only a selection aid for all tools?
  • Should Shift be used instead for selection aid, and Ctrl be used for specific tools' alternate functionality (such as the Move tool's "move along normals")? Or maybe vice versa?
  • Would there be confusion if a modifier key is reserved as a selection aid when it only applies to 1-5 tools?
  • Should a modifier key be reserved for a core feature that's critically missing in Anim8or: a context menu (possibly radial) that pops up at the mouse that offers more options for the current active tool(s)?

I'm 100% for streamlining the modeling process to where the number of mouse clicks not manipulating geometry is reduced as much as possible and the number of keystrokes that don't directly affect that manipulation is reduced also. That's why, to me, it's important that these modifier keys hold high-demand functionality. Any key on the keyboard can be a modifier key...however the ones that make the most sense to me are: Tab, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Space.
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