I wonder if someone had already done this which I can use or I can modify someone else's work that is close. Here is what I am trying to do.
I want to count musical beats of various durations and counts. Also, in each cycle ( or measure ) I want to show different gestures. Minimally, I want 4 types of gestures and
they can be anything really as long as it is easy to distinguish. For example: If we are counting of 8 beats, the first beat will use gesture 1, beats 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 will use gesture 2, beat 6 will use gesture 3, beat 7 will go back to gesture 2 and beat 8 will use gesture 4. Something like that. Typical gestures are two hands clapping, a wave of a hand, counting with fingers bending etc.
I also would like the user to set the speed of counting.
I really do not want to start from scratch, so I will go there only if something close is already not available. Thanks.