Cooldude234, regarding collaborative tools for producing movies, web series etc., have a look at There is a huge community of writers, animators, storyboard artists, actors, editors etc. who can come on board either in a big way, or in submitting individual 'shots' to tasks you specify (these can be story ideas, character developments and technical solutions, not just screenshots and animations). It is central (and critical) to the collaboration I am working on and really helps keep everything together and it was also where the very successful recent hit 'Iron Sky' was developed. For Anim8ors, it's also a good way to potentially get your work out there by submitting shots in ongoing productions. Once you have a storyboard complete it's worth setting up some sort of drop-box for finished work, even a few minutes of hi-res animation can be a whoppingly big file and you'll need a simple way to pass these around.
Good luck with getting this going. The most important thing is enthusiasm and, frankly, just doing it. Don't rely on others to get this happening, if you want it to work you need to drive it 100%.