yeah obviously ... Once all models are made for one of the worlds, set up a scene and add all the objects in ... Then take camera shots. Though you must have four directions in one position. North, east, south, west.
What ive done in the past is save each position as either 1 then put a,b,c,d to indicate the four viewsd in that position. EG. Bridge1a, Bridge 1b, Bridge 1c, Bridge 1d - then move camera down the path (or whever you want to position the camera) and save the next position images as Bridge 2a, Bridge 2b ... etc, etc.
I think the views are called nodes? im not quite sure ...
As i said, if you want send me the anim8or file with the scene set up, all models done, etc, and i will render the scenes for you
There will be animations, yes. Cutscenes will include the railcart rides, etc.
In fact, i think its best if you send all scenes to me, because i will need to add objects into your created models anyway, such as railcart rails, video message pods ...