| Critical Parts For The 3D Printer | Details | Cost |
 | *Linear Bearing Reprap Prusa Kit w/ Wades Extruder (SAE Version) | This kit includes everything needed to build the Prusa model except for the electrical components, metal rods, and power supply. | $199.95 |
| Five Kysan 1124090 Nema 17 Stepper Motors | Motors to move the extruder around the frame | $107.50 |
| RAMPS Pre-Assembled Kit Complete | The electronics or "brain" of the RepRap. | $200.00 |
| MakerGear Hot End Kit for 1.75mm Filament | This is the hot part that melts the filament and dispatches it onto the board. | $86.00 |
| Prusa PCB Heated Bed | For larger builds and ABS filament, a heated bed is necessary to prevent warping. | $55.00 |
 | 24 feet of 5/16" Threaded Metal Rods From Lowe's | Only 18 feet are required overall, bought extra in case of errors in cutting/fitting. Note that there are also smooth metal rods at Lowe's, but they are not of good enough quality. | $15.12 |
 | 9 feet of 5/16" Smooth Metal Rods | Also known as Drill Rods. | $13.56 |
| Hobbed Bolt | The Prusa kit comes with an un-hobbed bolt. I didn't really have the means to hobb it myself (no mount or tap), and it seemed iffy for a beginner, so I just purchased it separately instead. | $7.00 |
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| | Subtotal | $684.13 |
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| Supplemental Parts | Details | Cost |
| PLA 1.75mm Natural 1Kg on Spool (Protoparadigm) | PLA (Polylactic acid), comes from renewable resources like corn and is more brittle than ABS with a lower melting temperature. Harder to extrude and so puts more wear on the extruder. Natural PLA can be dissipated at high temperature, making it great for casting. Sweet smell when being melted. | $40.00 |
| ABS 1.75mm Natural 1Kg on Spool (Protoparadigm) | ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), comes from non-renewable resources like petroleum and is less brittle than ABS with a higher temperature. Easier to extrude so puts less wear on the extruder. Tends to warp unless the printer has a heating bed. Bad smell when being melted. | $40.00 |
| PLA 1.75mm Natural 1Kg on Spool (Ultimachine) | Different provider of PLA, to compare possible differences in quality. | $42.00 |
| iMicro 400W ATX12V Power Supply | To be converted to a lab power supply. Any power supply that has at least 12v 20amp capabilities will work for a Prusa w/ heat bed, so long as you make the proper modifications. | $14.35 |
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| | Subtotal | $136.35 |
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| Tools & Non-Essentials | Details | Cost |
| Aoyue 937+ Digital Soldering Station | It was about time to invest in a better quality soldering iron. Has digital thermostat control | $48.99 |
| Pro Gravity Airbrushing System | Includes air compressor and airbrush. Best deal I could find with the best ratings. | $75.96 |
| SE Caliper, Electronic Stainless Steel Body | This was recommended on a Reprap website. Calipers that read to the 0.1 in or mm, with a digital display. Seems like an awesome investment for future projects. | $10.38 |
| Sinometer DT9205 8-Function 32-Range Digital Multimeter | A multimeter to take electrical readings. Always wanted one of these so now that I have an excuse... | $14.99 |
| The Classics 12-Inch Stainless Steel Ruler with Cork Backing (TPG-152) | Works as both a ruler and a straight edge. Never know when you'd need one | $3.99 |
| SE 3" Universal Aluminum Table Vise | A small vise for me to put on the desk. Will function as a third hand! | $12.58 |
| Irwin Industrial Tools 2078317 7-Inch Multi Tool Stripper, Cutter and Crimper with ProTouch Grips | An expensive wire stripper and cutter, but a much needed expensive wire stripper and cutter  | $10.80 |
 | Maxtech 16521MX 32-Piece Precision Bit Set | 32 different bits from phillips to flathead to hex to torx | $8.73 |
| Iwata-Medea Cleaning Station | Cleaner and holder for the airbrush. Will save a load of time. | $21.90 |
| Createx Airbrush Cleaner 4 oz. | Water will do for the most part, but cleaner is good for clean-up and maintenance at the end of a paint job. | $2.90 |
| 12 assorted colors of 4oz Airbrush paint, $4.15 ea | I'd rather have too much than not enough, with this tight deadline. | $49.80 |
| Stanley 42-294 8-Inch Torpedo Level | Level to ensure proper balance for both the printer and the desk it's sitting on. | $5.88 |
 | Kobalt 2PC 6" Files | Metal files for various filing tasks. Bought at a local store (Lowe's) | $6.38 |
 | 12" 24t Bi-Metal Hack Saw Blades, 2 count | For my hack saw, to cut the metal rods to size. | $3.48 |
| Sankyo Music Box Movements, 18 note lot of 10 | The music box "music" boxes. Comes with winding keys and mounting screws. | $12.00 |
| Variety of 13 Medium to Large Spiral Watch Springs | Clock springs, also known as power springs, add more torque to objects when wound up. I may or may not have to use these to assist the music box movements' torque. | $8.00 |
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| | Subtotal | $296.76 |
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| | Total | $1117.24 |