Nice work everyone. Kreator, love the factory, it has the right mix of Victorian era decoration and functional design, with a decent layer of grunge over everything. If anything it could use even more external pipework, and perhaps evidence of the factory being retrofitted with steam power (ie pipes punched through roughly-patched brickwork).
$imon, I'm not sure I agree that the sign needs to 'function'. It's possible that the global obsession with steam power has led to a design movement where pipework is the 'in thing', much like how functional streamlining in aeroplanes and cars fed the Art Deco movement. It could also be that junkyards are full of pipework from busted boilers so it's a handy material to build from, and somebody with an artistic flair welded the sign together. In any case, it certainly looks the part.
Davdud101, looks great, I like the pipework on the signal, if anything I would perhaps make the post less modern, less organic. Perhaps the upright and horizontal sections could be separate trussed beams with visible bolt heads etc. Also not sure if Steamtopia has electricity, the lamp might need to be gas powered. Arik?
I have almost completed work on the limousine, as below. Thanks for the comments on the first images, I have considered them all and implemented most of them. I have sharpened the bodywork around the bottom edge, redesigned the 'nostrils' with cleaner loops, and remodelled the hindquarters to balance the engine housing and make it look less protruberant. I haven't widened the nose, I think the angle of the earlier clay renders made it look narrower than it actually was, and I have left the windows alone as well to avoid making them look too streamlined and 'modern'. For the same reason I have made it taller, standing higher off the ground, to give it more of a 'locomotive' feel than a 1940's gangster car. There is a final layer of detail to come, like gas-powered running lamps, door handles, badging etc., and there are a few areas of texture stretching that need to be addressed, otherwise it's pretty much done.