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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2010, 04:15:08 pm »

Count me in.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2010, 04:42:16 pm »

I wanna join up.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2010, 06:16:00 pm »

Sounds cool mate :) I'll be willing to contribute as well, get my Anim8or from under the dust (it's been sitting there for waaay too long..)

I like the idea so far & lets see where this can go :)


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2010, 09:47:53 pm »

I would like to tentatively contribute - I love Steampunk and your storyline is excellent, but have a habit of under-delivering on group projects and am therefore reluctant to commit too heavily (too many projects on the go at any one time). 

Minor point of order on measurements: 60pt = 6 feet = approx 2 metres (or meters), not 1.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2010, 10:07:54 pm »

Wow! Thanks for all the chip-ins! And yes, I cocked up on that meter/metre thing... I did mean to say 2, but I was rushing to get that message wrapped as I was having signal problems at Starbucks... Fixing it.

I'm glad you all like the story line. I was trying to come up with a rationale for why we would have an alternate Steampunk-type world...

So, my immediate goal is to develop a sort of tight-quarters street of block or two, possibly cobble-stone, with all the decor that would go with such. Preference is to the sort you would see in European cities, where it's practically wall-to-wall buildings and the like, with a few tight alleys, but otherwise pretty well packed.


Oh, and here we go... just getting the main character in shape... a lot to do, costume, a fair amount proportion adjustment for further stylizing, etc. Not sure about the derby hat...
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 12:50:02 am by Arik_the_Red »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2010, 03:55:20 am »

Hey arik, nice start on the main character - just a question - are the humans going to be realistic of sylized ? (the latter I hope for all our sakes) , in that case I wont remark on proportions.. Oh wait, I will, I like the proportionately big head, always a good thing with stylized characters, so is a small torso & big hands.

As for the street-block, there are so many styles in Europe its not even funny so we'll have to pick one I guess and stick to that - I'm in a very old town in the Netherlands so I can make some pics of center city (close together old houses with cobblestones!)  that we can use to recreate (of course with changing modern things into 1900's elements)
But in that case all the buildings will have to be Dutch-styled. If you prefer German, British or French, then we can of course use google to match up styles.

I'm just rambling now, anyway, I'll come up with some pics and see if theyre useful.

Keep working on the character arik, it will need a bit more refining & maybe something character-specific feature since it will be the main character in the story?


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2010, 05:01:33 am »

Weeelllll, just wondering what kind of flexibility the rest of us volunteers have? We assume you're the leader but do we just go ahead and make stuff and hope it all goes together fine, or should we seek your permission or suggestions on what's left to make?

Myself I want to make a steampunk girl mechanic and a steam-powered bicycle that she can ride to get around town.

Also, regarding the storyline...

First of all the meteor element needs a name, and the technology that uses it named after the meteor element. And then there's always someone who leads the pack in technology, how about adding a major corporation that took over the meteor and is the primary provider for this new technology? By the time of the alien invasion, they're probably pretty powerful in the politcal world and have done plenty of criminal, scandalous activities in secret to shut out the competition, hence making them untouchable by any government or person. Just some input ;)

Good job so far with the main character, looking forward to the infusion of details and "character"


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2010, 11:33:15 am »

General comments:
I think that a project like this cool because it provides a theme that I know appeals to many people, and the general nature of the Steampunk genre seems to encourage individual creativity to the extreme. I had a story idea that is meant to merely provide a backdrop, and that at this point the real challenge is not the story itself, but the creation of a "piece of the world", the "neighborhood," and in that we would provide something that everyone could take for themselves and make more of, put their own little scenes and stories in. In essence, we would be making a world where many (in this case "we") live, so to speak, as a common environment, but where "we" would be able to make our own stories, just as every person on Earth has his or her own "story" in life.

I did throw some basic parameters as noted above, because it gives something with which to focus, and often people do like to build on each others' ideas. so that there would be a common thread on which we could all base things, and still allow for a lot of self-expression and development. Just as we all live on one "Earth", but still have a vast variety of individual contributions by the development of our own "world within", a city has common grounds, but involves many individuals who bring their own pieces to the city to make it what it is.

So, yes, as I have tried to say in my previous posts, individual contributions, ideas, thoughts, are what are most important. I put myself as the "leader of sorts," simply because it did start as my own personal brain-fart, but I do believe strongly that pooling ideas and all make such things much more fun, and in so doing it is much like building a world of individuality, within the confines of a common theme.

I think Raxx, $imon, and others comment and ideas are really great, and I wholeheartedly want to see them incorporated. In fact, I was quite hoping that such things would be exactly what would surface, as they fit perfectly with what is "being born" here. 

Character Design: The humans are always better off "stylized," as, well, in my case, quite frankly I seldom get "purely realistic" down right. Besides, the stylization allows for a lot more personality development. The character I'm making is initially very low poly, and what you see in the image is a shows after a "subdivide faces" of 0.0 . And as yet, he hasn't really been "personalized." I do want to work a bit more on hands and feet exaggeration, of course. And then obviously, he's still needing wardrobe ;)

City Design: I understand we have quite a variety of "cultural experience" in this project. I really don't have a good answer for the building style quandary. If there's any way to make things simply "old and generic", I would have to say try to stick with that. Buildings of brick and stone and wood.... I know that's no help, but maybe we can come to a consensus somehow? I put the sample pics up as they seemed to be somewhat generic in style, yet still showed a look of being born out of the past. One thing I do believe the storyline/history does allow, and is spelled out, is that the new birth of technology and travel bringing many parts of the world together, and in so doing, I think such a city would carry elements of various cultures... Just as a real city would.... Of course, being American, maybe I am limited to the American experience... where many ethnic groups form a city and provide their own influences in their parts of the community.

The Meteor Element: Yeah, as you can see, I didn't name the rock... mainly because I didn't really want to pull up some fictitious name already in use. Anyone who comes up with an element name, could probably do better than Ariktheredium, right ;) ? Since the "event" occurred prior to the proper development of elemental charts, the mineral would likely not even have to get a proper name that follows such things...

The steampunk girl mechanic with her bike sounds awesome! I think that small, personal conveyance vehicles would be very popular in such a world. The dirigible I am making is intended for such things.

Corporate Development: That's a thought I had in my head, yes. Of course, part of the reason for the idea of the "Long Winter" was that such an event would tear apart most economic influences of the world, and with the clearing of the winter would, literally come a new birth, a new era, that would open up opportunities for new forms of both good and evil/bad things to rise.
Flexibility and Volunteers: I remember once being of the opinion that "you can't fire a volunteer," but then I worked for a private-non-profit agency where I found out you CAN fire volunteers :P.. (bad joke, meant to laugh here).... Heck, I think it's great for flexibility... I hope that my outline and samplings provide a rough framework in which to design things and still allow a lot of room for creative license. As I've put in previous messages, I look forward to suggestions and all, and want more to see "cool results" than have someone worry to death over "not getting it right." From experience and knowing some of you well enough here in the forum, I know we (present company - self - excepted) are all intelligent, able to think and design and grasp ideas, likely quite good at adapting to concepts and still being able to express freely within the general outline of things.

I don't claim to be an expert on Steampunk. I know only what I've seen with imagery online, and a bit of other things, and get the impression that the genre allows for a huge area of individual interpretation. That's why I threw together the outline above, to lay a loose framework of explaining how the storyline I have in mind makes sense and gets to where it is.

All in all, I think this is really exciting. The ideas popping up so far are awesome!


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2010, 01:16:15 pm »

couple of anims from animanons steampunk animation challenge last year...

may give u some ideas?  

chat with EricAug for his character in animation below, I know you like doing that.

Ensoniq5`s Flying steam Carriage

From UK Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 02:10:47 pm by kreator »


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2010, 01:42:13 pm »

Nice speech arik haha,

I like your ideas on where you want to take this. Raxx, I like your idea of the girl on the bike... sounds great!!

I guess I will be mainly involved with environment design if that is alright. As your idea on a mixed-culture city, that sounds very good.. I like pulling it a bit more into the sci-fi than just having a 1900s European city.. (You are right though, not much of a mixed culture here like in the US, but that would be fun to combine!) So I was thinking to stay with the steampunk-theme also in designing the buildings and the streets. (lots of smoke out of chimneys of course)

Raxx - your girl mechanic will need a garage to work out, right! If you have any ideas on what she works on besides the bike it can be designed a bit more with that in mind.
Next to that we'll need a house for the main character. Arik, what is his profession? if he has a particular profession the house can be designed with his job on the ground floor - living upstairs, where we see him wake up.
Also, to get some mixed cultures in that, some houses/workshops that resemble different cultures.

Arik - I don't know what you had in mind as far as sci-fi elements go, the images youve shown show a multi-level city, which would be pretty cool, using balloons to get around. Point is though if the girl has a bicycle everything will have to be accessable by road as well - will be a nice challenge :D

I'm getting excited about the idea haha sorry I'm rambling

An extra here to get some inspiration:


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2010, 02:24:49 pm »

Yeah the girl will need a garage, was thinking about it but the girl and bike was more than enough for me to worry about for now. So if you want to work on it then it's fine with me.

She's a steam engine (engine as in the steam-powered device that powers most machines) specialist but mostly works on personal transport machines like steambikes, small dirigibles, small steam waterboats, steam cars, etc.

Considering that this is a "steam" technology, most cities would thrive next to large bodies of water due to the need for a massive amount of water to combine with the steamrock to generate power. Recycling's easy enough (steam goes in air, poof more clouds)

But steam technology also has its own form of pollution: the water itself. There'll be a lot of puddles, damp areas, drips, leaks, etc. Health hazard-wise there'd probably be a lot more cases of pneumonia-like sicknesses where breathing in the damp steamy air all the time results in fungal/bacterial infection or just lung failure from too much water. Plenty of burn victims since, well, steam is hot and I don't see how steamrock could make heatless steam. This stuff doesn't have to be explained in detail whatever kind of project we're doing, but if it's there in the background (people coughing, friends getting sick from being too close to the central plant which produces a lot of pollution, drips and puddles everywhere, steam pipes bursting occasionally, etc) then it'd give a lot to the atmosphere of what a steampunk world would be like.

3D Joe Wiltshire

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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2010, 04:23:32 pm »

All of these ideas are awesome! :D

One other thought though, will the gadgetry and styling of the world be detailed and extravagant [image 1] or will it be more of a simplified style [image 2]?

(those were the best pictures I could find to show what im talking about :P)


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2010, 06:05:00 pm »

i woudl've thought pic 2... more pipes and gears showing then design, more about functionality than style.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2010, 12:09:01 am »

Rambling? hawhawhaw! You have a long way to go to outdo me! You ask about sci-fi, and I don't have any real answers there, except that when you start incorporating sci-fi, you open a lot of questions about just what the limits should be... which is why I felt it might be good to set a time-frame/technology limit to things, so as to somehow see that there is some common ground to things.

City Design (Raxx and $imon): The images I shared, mainly the 2nd and 3rd, were intended to show something of the technology ideas, not to show the actual city layout in mind. As Raxx pointed out, the city would be best located on a large body of water, and it was fun to see that Raxx has a lot of the same thoughts as I do in regards to a number of things. Kinda freaky, Raxx... ;)  One element of the two city images I refer to, is that they do seem centered on an industrial complex that could well be the power generation complex for the city, and I like that this shows such as being the geographical center of the city, and that everything else is spreading outward from that center. Other than that, I think the city should easily allow for both ground and air transport... For that matter, there could be waterways-canals running here and there to provide water for the steam-plant complex and also as means of boat-transport. There were some intriguing steam-powered watercraft in the 1800s, some being like rowboats with steam engine propulsion.

Raxx: Regarding your steam-girl.... I'm amused by the fact that it parallels my own character so closely. The shop that my character works in and lives in the attic of is a metalsmith shop that I intended to be for the fabrication and repair of parts for small vehicles and other items. Another case of you and I being a bit much on the same track... I hope that doesn't spook ya ;)

I've attached an image I found while researching inspiration art... I always go digging up loads of images when I want to work on a project. The vehicle is a one-person contraption that is similar to something I had in mind for having in the metal shop, partly dismantled and in a state of repair.

Joe Wiltshire and Davdud:
As to style of technology, I would say that function developed first, and that stylization and artistic decor would have come a bit later, and show to be a sign of luxury and elegance. Therefore, the common tech would be largely functional and engineered in appearance, and anything that shows a fair level of artistic imagery would be an item born wealth and excess, so that both styles could occur, just within their own respective purposes in the society.

I'm glad you pulled up the old Steampunk entries from AnimAnon. Those were some great creations and it would be a shame to ever lose them. I still look at them on occasion.

In refering to EricAug, I have always been a big fan of Eric's work, mostly because, when I first met him in this forum he was only 14 or so in age, and created things that were so well-developed that I could only hope to encourage him to go beyond the limits. Eric's "The Gateway" video for Steampunk was a personal favorite of mine because he designed every aspect of that video himself, including the musical score.  

Those who remember Eric may be interested in knowing that he went from using Anim8or to trying and mastering just about every free 3DG software available, to creating in Carrara - as was the case with "The Gateway", and has recently settled into mastering Blender as his prime choice of software.  Too, Eric has finished his high school time (home schooled), and is now attending a video game design school in Florida.

Back to the project at hand... I was thinking, this city should have a name... and if anyone wants to submit a name idea, we can collect a few and then vote on them.

The only name I get in my head right now is "Steamtopia".... Cheesey, I know...

Right now, I'm focusing on the development of my metalsmith shop, and the character I have begun.


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Re: Steampunk World
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2010, 01:34:44 am »

arik: I don`t know which way you are going with this Project ( I DO hope that it gets completed as with nearly all projects in the anim8or community wain, though the enthusiasm and support initially is to be commended it nearly always falls for one reason or another usually.

Do you propose an animation or a game? you do not clearly state that, do you just want models, or animation clips? should they just be anim8or driven ?  who will finalise everything ?

We experimented quite a bit with Cities using the "greeble effect" using displacement maps and it is easily acheivable in Anim8or ( if you intend to use that , hopefully NOT rendering with A.R.T!!)

I attach some points from that experimentation

Roygee: Sorry, Tony - started hijacking your thread, so I'll start my own from your inspiration - this took like an hour in Sketchup - rendered in Carrara.  Think I'm going to take this further and make one of those distant planet colonies type things

Kreator: That could look cool roy... are u just using a displacement map?.... could that be done by editing a terrain in Carrara?

Made a Disp map in Photoshop CS3 very quickly then imported into Carrara Terrain Editor, and used surface replicator. Just added a brick shader to the whole map.... and this is the result..

Now If I can find some window maps etc I think it would look really cool 


Roygee: Yours looks really good - when I tried using a height map on a terrain, all the tops and bottoms came out pointy.  The first one I did was a displacement on a grid - that worked pretty good.  The one in the pic above was done in Sketchup, then smoothed in Carrara.

EnsoniQ5: That's some nice work there guys, inspirational stuff.  I love the displacement map/greeble concept, the only thing that could be a royal pain in the ass is matching the disp. map to a texture map.  Any buildings with anything like straight sides would suffer from intolerable texture stretching.  Does the displacement map actually generate an exportable wireframe, or is it a purely calculated/parametric thing within Carrara?  If a wireframe is generated it could be exported into Anim8or, for more detailed (and sensible) UV mapping, or potentially UV unwrapped and processed in a 2D editor.

here is another go with this greeble effect... added some sci-Fi textures this time rather than bricks!!..... I don`t know about Cities but it could prove useful of you were applying some sort of detail to say a space-craft ... But I`ll have a look at wires.

Oh yeah the file...

Admendment: Just tried an export of the terrain and it is possible exporting as an .obj File... so yes it can be textured, I`ll make another one up and see what I can come up with .

Yep Import the terrain as an Object file, Bung in anim8or and start texturing!

I didn`t realize that I had feather set at 2 when I started the disp map with CS3 so everthing has curvy edges But I overcame the HighRise one by extruding up the faces to give more height.

( the grey Blobby bits are The disp map untextured!!)

With a bit of planning, roads and pavements(sidewalks) can be added to the map

All in all this greeble effect can save some time constructing cities!!


Roygee: Looking better and better - I redid the greeble effect on a terrain and it worked out fantastic - haven't tried exporting as .obj, but converting to "other modeler - facets" in Carrara makes a right proper mess of it - would hate to try to texture that lot!

EnsoniQ5: Cool!  Once I have completed the various projects keeping my computer working overtime I will have a crack as this.  As you say Kevin, it could be a really good way of adding detail to space-type structures, rather than bump mapping, especially if the camera is to get close to the surface.  I have visions of X-Wings and Death Star canyons running through my head (not for the first time...)

Roygee: Sadly, it exports as .obj OK, but Anim8or freaks out when I try to import - bringing it back into Carrara as an .obj makes it all pointy.  On the track of a method to texture it in it's terrain form.

You guys should take a look at Dystopia City Blocks - currently free at Daz3D.  The detail is absolutely astounding - can't believe it's made by generating greebles.

Kreator: Roy, You need to downscale the terrain when you export the Obj file from Carrara, otherwise you need to zoom right out in Anim8or then adjust its overall size before zooming back in .

I could`nt see the Dystopia pack free for Carrara only Lwo

Headwax: beautiful work gents

I see you have asked the question on daz Roygee and the answer may be in the altitude parameter in the shader room (make sure not to tick global)
Kevin this might be of interest

I've recently re-read my c5 manual on shaders and its amazing what there is in that is not apparent at first

Roygee: Hi guys - this subject is generating a LOT of interest and good advice - the best is to look for Gary Millers tut at Geekatplay - really good and it translates pretty well into Anim8or - thogh it's more work because of the less sophisticated selection and extrusion.

Kevin - go to the Daz3D site, in the small search panel put in "Dystopia" - and select the Poser - it's only free for a few more days.

After seeing Gary's tut, won't be using terrain anymore!

Here's a quick one I made in Hex and another in Anim8or - guess which is which - in the second pic - see the ringed circle?  That's where I live


 OK - this is getting closer to what I'm looking for - needs more randomness and will get it as I learn to better control the extrusions

This sort of thing will only be used for flyover - for closeup I'll use Sketchup for the basics and Hex for detail


Kevin - go to the Daz3D site, in the small search panel put in "Dystopia" - and select the Poser - it's only free for a few more days.

Yep got it now....... See its only block plugins for import so can`t really do anything with them, I thought it might be an editor of some kind.

anyway here`s the render I did in Carrara 2x2 block, the 6x6 one crashed my machine!

Roygee: Hi Kevin - reallt well made, aren't they?  Haven't had a good look at the "instructions" - but from what I infer from what I've seen and what's been said on the Carrara forum, it seems that it is also a generator in Poser?

Kreator: hmm, then it is hiding somewhere in Poser`s obnoxious runtimes!!.. I`ll have another search about

Drewi: I downloaded the .lwo and poser versions to see.haven't got poser though,will they work in anything else?
There are about 20 .lwo  files of city block arrangements.
They don't open into anim8or directly.At present i load .lwo into blender and export as an .obj file,which then opens in anim8or
Although there are some textures pre allocated they dont load into the object. but neither do the easily fit if i try to apply them manually.[names dont correspond etc so consequently make little architectural sense]
Having said that they do have grey materials assigned to them which i can colour or apply new materials to manually.
downloaded loads of pics of city building textures [day and night] thanks to kreators link.
experiment see pic excuse the rambling ... all good fun....

i am interested in this city creation malarkey.posted this on 'other 3d software' thread.
just in case interested parties missed it.

Roygee: Sorry, my mistake - they are just .obj blocks with some fancy methods for sizing, distributing and lighting. Seems that only 3DS and Blender have plugins for generating. city blocks.I'll do some experimenting
to see how to get other textures

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