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Author Topic: Newbie misc modeling help  (Read 9048 times)

3D Joe Wiltshire

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Newbie misc modeling help
« on: March 15, 2008, 11:35:11 am »

the title doesn't really explain it, i think that we all need someone to help us along the way, and sometimes we will forget to include scenery and background "stuff", i want to set up this forum to help people with that.

basicly, anyone with newb or average skills can come here, see the stuff people are making, and get help from that.

sorry if i'm not making myself very clear, basicly, people come here, to suggest things for scenery that people might forget, and provide pictures of the objects they've made, to inspire others.

first, i'll provide a list of stuff that i think would be useful for a lot of animations, and the techniques of making them could help your modeling

gah, i'm just gonna stop trying to explain or i'll end up with a load of metaphors and similes, oh well, here's the list:

a pair of shades (matrix style)
Roman / Greek collum
An Award A brain
Can of cola
Alarm clock
Chain / Keyring
Camera (digital or retro)
Snow Globe
Toy using gears / cams / mechanisms   etc.
Telescope / Microscope Gondolier
Safe / piggy bank
Churchtower bell
Nintendo DS
Desk Lamp
Graveyard Gate
Platform Boot(s)
Spinning top
Photo frame
wire + Plug  (Mains or USB)
Fuel rod / Radioactive container
Animal carrier thing
Robot Head

i've made a few of these already, my models aren't great, but if you need an example i might be able to provide one