Thanks, dude.
Will have to think on the texture idea... not sure how much I should put into that particular detail with that particular object.
I was playing with lighting, and put two lights in, locating them where two of the lamps are, but seemed that only one light was working and the other simply non-functional. Soooo, I ended up deleting the lights and re-adding them... and it's working now.
So far, I have 2 lights here, installed to test the effects...
Also, I decided to take the brick pattern I made and make it gray. By the way, the brick pattern was from one I had taken a photo of myself and then modified in GIMP... Attached in original, then brick-color modified, and gray-color modified, for anyone wanting to mess with it. The original images was of sidewalk bricks downtown in the town I live in. I went on a texture and such shooting spree one day and got all sorts of images I am slowly converting into texture use.