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Author Topic: It would be nice to be able to edit multiple bone limits at once  (Read 9642 times)


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The subject says it all.  It would be nice to have an edit multiple bone limits button or functionality.  When I make a figure they can have lots of bones, like say in their hands, and it would be nice to be able to just select a group of bones and set their bone limits to be -90 and 90 instead of clicking each one and setting their bone limits individually.   This would be extremely useful when dealing with hands and maybe tails because they havea lot of bones with the same limits.  A figure could be moving within a few seconds  and then fine tuned when needed.

I also thought it would be nice if when we edit bone influences we could have the option to view the influence outer radius as a transparent shape with faces instead of just the wireframe.  This way it might be easier to see what is captured in each individual bone influence.  This would have to be something that could be toggled.

Neither of my things are essential in any way, they'd just be nice little things to make rigging a tad bit easier.  I bet the first one could be done with a script.

Thanks a bunch for anim8or Steve! I've been anim8ing steadily for 4 years now because of anim8or. Its by far one of the best pieces of software available both free and commercially.