You know what ?!! I know what : I can't modeling !!!

Once I'll clear it all a little bit, I'm gonna start that modeling topic at last !!!

As about the project : finished the first ( one n' a half

) stage. Everything planned from the start, now is finished.
- The building ( floor, walls, roof, doors )
- Basic appliances ( light switches, suko sockets, heat units, air conditioner and some other, near the doors )
- Lights (ceiling lamps)
- Windows ( with curtains )
Did some furniture, just to see if it looks as I planned . I like it so far. Though, now that's the next stage : to fill it ( appartment ) with all the stuff ( furniture, decorative items e.t.c. )
All the modeling is kind of messy, although I'm trying to keep it as simple as I can, but without a general lack of accuracy ( modeling accuracy is not my goal, since, even if it would be, I would not be able to handle it anyway

But one thing I realised for sure ( well, not that I didn't know that ), is that I CAN'T MODELING !!! ( didn't I say that already ? )