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Author Topic: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila  (Read 35962 times)


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2010, 05:43:05 am »

Yes once you have solidified the design of the profile of your character it will answer most of your ear problems. Good job so far.

I just have one question though. Why did you go for a human-like lips? Looks a bit off when compared with the nose and (potentially) ears. Then again that's just what I think. :D If that's the intention of the design well I guess I'll just wait till it is finished to understand the design-choice. ^^


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2010, 06:18:12 am »

I just have one question though. Why did you go for a human-like lips? Looks a bit off when compared with the nose and (potentially) ears.
I made the lips human-like, because I want the character to be somewhat serious and maybe a bit sexy. A cat-like mouth would just make her more cartooney.

Also, thanks for existing. You can't imagine how much your avatar is helping me with the placement of the ears right now...  ;D

Also, I think maybe I will shrink the forehead a bit. I think I made it too big...
It's difficult to judge her appearance without the hair and the cheek, though...  ???


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2010, 10:33:15 am »

I'm glad my existence is appreciated somewhat. XD It was a bit of a challenge positioning those ears just right even with drawn reference already at hand. I think I kind of nailed it at least for my character. Used the same formula for another character too. If you want to see the side of the model in my avatar I'd e glad to share it. I don't think I have it in my thread.

I agree the forehead juts out too much, even for a person. that's the beauty of 3D modelling, you can tweak it as many times as need be. :D And yes It is tough to judge appearance without the hair and cheek. I'm toying around with alpha maps to create cheek fur for one of my characters. Something you might want to try to tinker with after you're done modelling the base.


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #33 on: December 14, 2010, 08:39:35 pm »

I don't quite find your logic justifying.

I'd say that cat of Janro's is to an extent an ideal example of what you call a "furry" cat character.
What exactly ARE you going for?

Your model's odd selection of features makes it look real well... odd. You have the nose snouted out to justify why the mouth and jaw are way up front, even though the mouth and jaw appear quite human in comparison.

Furrys by default cannot be taken serious unless it is made into something where the facial characteristics appear extremely animal. Like done with some fighting game characters. I'll give it to ya strait pal, it looks way more cartoony as you have it now, then it would if you just gave her a legitimate cat shaped mouth/jaw structure.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 10:22:33 pm by fromsoysauce »


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2010, 04:06:15 am »

I actually want to be as loyal to the original sketch as possible, and in the sketch I tried to give her a human mouth from the beginning. There are many levels of furry-ness, and I'm going for 50% furry, 50% human. Now that you mention it, though, I could give the mouth more of a "w"-ish shape, at least. Oh well, it's not like I can't change it later if I don't like the result, anyway.  ;D  Also, I plan to give way more detail to the nose. The lack of hair and the blank expression don't help me judge the appearance, either. I think I'll just see how it turns out for now.  :-X  Thanks for the constructive criticism, though.

@Janro: It would help me a lot to see how you approached the subject, especially from the more difficult, at least for me, side view. So if you could post an image of the side of your character I would appreciate it.


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2010, 04:16:03 am »

Are you referring to the furry-ness scale that you can find on google image search "furry"?


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2010, 04:49:02 am »

Didn't know about it until now, but more or less that's kind of how I see it. Though, according to it, I go for about 40% furry. :D


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Re: [WIP] My furry comic character, Lila
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2010, 09:25:48 am »

Whatever the case. Just decide on what kind of a character you want to project then work with that image in mind. Be it cartoony or closer to the animal side. Because that's one decision that's quite vital when making this particular character in 3D. It will determine how exactly you should build the model.

Anyway attached is a side view screenshot.

To be honest I don't like the topology on this one. The ears are a bit too high and the part where the ear connects with the head curves too much. Also I wasted too many polygons at the back of the head.

The second image is a later model I made, original a jackal-esque character which I've semi converted to look like a cat for something I'm working on. I tried to fix it on that second model (More like adapt really) where I think it works better but nevertheless could use more work. Still trying to solve those five adjacent polygons to make it flow better. But that's how I went about it for now.  I already sketched out my reference blueprint for a more cat looking character which I hope will have more sound construction.

Hope it helps any.

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