You DO know that you can have multiple objects in the Object Editor, right? If you have more than one object, it's wise to actually NAME each object. For instance, in Object Editor mode, select an object (click on Object tab and scroll down to the desired object). Then, click Settings > Object... THis will open the Object Editor dialog box, where you can type in an appropriate name for the object (ball, box, couch, person1, person2, whatever).
Then, in the Scene Editor, you can "build" your objects, one-by-one into your scene. If you want TWO or more of the same object, realize that Anim8or will place each at the SAME LOCATION, unless you move one one (or more) after placing it into the scene.
Then, even though you may have placed more than one of the same object in the scene, Anim8or will give each a new NAME in the scene. For instance, let's assume you have an object that you've named "BALL" in the object editor. You can place two or more of this BALL object into a scene, and Anim8or will give it a new name (starting with "eobject01," then "eobject02," etc.).
Hope this helps. By the way, from the posts you've written, it seems that you REALLY need to read the Anim8or manual, and DO the tutorials!