kreator, admittedly I haven't actually tried to follow any of your tuts, but if you want honest feedback, I'll tell you what I think out of what Ive seen: your too hard to understand. You mumble. That combined with your accent I think makes it hard to follow along.
I know you cant really help your accent, but that's why you should maybe sit further back from the mic and speak a bit louder, and enunciate more. Try to avoid filling gaps with "uhhhh" and "umm"s so much.
I haven't made any tutorials myself, so I cant say mine would be any better, but just as a casual watcher that's why I don't think your tuts have been very good so far. if you have to maybe try and close caption the vids.
Hope I wasnt too blunt, Im not trying to offend, just offer constructive critism. This isnt really the topic for this though.