Josmic8or: Nice! Looks almost puppy-ish with that style going on. Give him some sad puppy eyes

Great job so far
Indian8or! Very fierce features and classic design.
davdud101: I'm with hihosilver on this one, though I think if you work on creating some more contrasts with the details, the blue tint can be worked in your favor. Good luck!
johnar, that's a dragon fit for festivals, nice job! Good luck with the feet
hihosilver, pft. One of my dragon's claws has more detail than your entire dragon! Good progress there. It might just be me but the belly partitions I think could extend upward by one towards the neck, might make it look more natural. Hurry and give him wings, otherwise he looks like some weird dinosaur
Janro, it's not too late because the
deadline has just been extended to February 21st!!!Keep up the good work guys