davdud101, thanks and good luck with your reworking. To answer your other question before, investigate how to uvmap and texture a model. This is the best way to make a texture fitted to a 3d mesh. For best results you'll have to use an external uvmapping program like lithunwrap or uvmapper.
rellik420, thanks

yeah I can post wires when I'm done, if it gets done

Thanks to you I'm now spending more time on the musculature instead of making use of my artistic license. Shoulders (and musculature in general) is relatively easy if you're not afraid to do a lot of polygonal modeling/editing and research pictures of muscle groups online. Basically just look for bodybuilder pics and you're set.
ADSohr, good start! Definitely looks like a dragon's body, my main crit right now is that the hind legs seem to be shorter than the front legs, looking like he's standing on a slope. The wings look great so far!
Mreenav D, you've still got a week to go! If there's a lot of unfinished works in the end, I'll consider extending the deadline. Heck, I wonder where the first week went, not sure if I can finish mine either! You've got a good start with the head, I hope you'll take the time to flesh out more details

Here's an update. I've gotta touch up the biceps and front shoulder a little to make it look more natural, but it's getting there. Definitely starting to grind and slow down with all the detailing and anatomy. Giving you a quick shot of the back since I'm taking the time to do the muscles where they can show under the skin. Obviously I haven't gotten to the scales along the spine or the wings yet, so ignore the gaps

It's great seeing so much participation, keep that motivation going!