I call dibs on Director, and I'll model some stuff.
Brian, a young 10 year old boy and the main character.
Lilly, a small hundred year old fairy.
King (working name) Pike, the king of the (working name) Snowlands.
Consultant, an old underfed man working for the king.
Brian is looking at a snow globe when his mom turns off the light in his room. He falls asleep with the snow globe in his hand. He awakens at midnight to find he is in a snow land. He walks around a little while, and meets a snow fairy named Lilly. Lilly brings him to the castle where he meets the king. Brian requests a way home, but the consultant comes in and tells the king that the Snowlands have ran out of Norbs, ‘the magic hairballs’. While trying to find the magic thief, Brian is also doing work for the king as payment for letting him go home in the future. Brian awakens in the middle of the night in the castle, seeing a glowing light coming from a few rooms down the hall. When he investigates, he finds that the Consultant has stolen all of the Norbs from near towns and cities and is using them for some evil scheme. Brian turns the Consultant in. He is decided guilty over theft in a court scene, and the kings has the Norbs bring Brian home. Brian awakens, at home, with the snow globe in his hand. THE END.
A guy, James Sidney on the side of IGRA is in a small space craft sent to infiltrate the Dimension base, but is blasted out of the sky. He lands on Oaran (Or-ahn) where he cataloges many plants and animals. He meets a strange, crazy robot named N.E.D. (Netrix E-working- DioRoid). James fixes Ned, whom in turn fixes James' ship overnight, and James flys back to IGRA. The let back on this story is that I don't know where Dimension comes into the storyline. A few of VERY MANY models for this one are attached.
rellik420-Planning Production
Concept artists:
texture cretors/compilers:
lyp sycners:
(none, possibly Davdud101)
scene compositors:
voice actors-Character:
Davdud101-Varioius Animals
Modelling/Rigging List:
Fat bird/rigged-attached
Music composing:
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