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Author Topic: Width Problem  (Read 6275 times)


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Width Problem
« on: December 06, 2009, 11:15:14 am »

When extruding the pentagon in the eggplant tutorial I found that the width of the pentagon in ortho view was too large and very unlike the width shown in the tutorial (below)

Also when I try to selct all five outer faces, I usually either select the whoe thing yellow or gray depending which wireframe mode, I'm using.


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Re: Width Problem
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2009, 12:10:48 pm »

There is a field on the extrude dialog that specifies how many units to extrude the face by. He has 20 on the tutorial, but you don't have to follow the tutorial to the letter. If 20 looks too thick, use a smaller number.  Just experiment with it and have fun. When you use drag/select to select all the faces, you can use the middle mouse button to deselect the top and bottom faces. There are a bunch of good tutorials on the forum, as well as an FAQ.  Read/watch those when you get a chance and they'll make 3D life easier. (Most members will refer you to those after beginner questions like this, anyway.)