Yes, you can add one solid object.
If you have a character that is 1 object, add him to a bone 1 above the root bone. (in most cases).
Then you'll need to 'skin' your character. Each bone will affect each part of your model, depending how you skin it.
(search tuts/information 'Rigging and Skinning)
matt the brat:
Washed out colour. Most likley is in your material settings. Actually, the naming of your materials.
The matertial on your original object is probably still named 'Material01. Thats the default name. So when you copy part of it to a new object, you also copy the material name. ie: material01.
Changing the name to something b4 copying should fix this.
Basically, always name your materials, so they dont get mixt up when moving the objects around