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Author Topic: What are the softwares do you use for 3D? and what is the latest version?  (Read 9511 times)


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Are you using Autodesk Maya and 3d max? What is the latest version of it? Can you please help me so that I will know what to buy.



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Don't buy... download anim8or!  It will do everything you need...


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dwalcott, that's not very helpful for his question, although it is odd that Power_of_Angel would ask a program specific site such a question.
I've used both, although haven't produced anything worth looking at. Currently, both of their latest versions are 2009, and of your looking for retailers, try going to their site and search for country specific retailers.


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If you're willing to take on challenges... and you don't want to a wad of cash, I'd say work with anim8or, and the go to look at blender as free software choices. blender has been used to create some pretty spectacular, very professional wor, and does really nice things with liquid, hair, and such things.

If spending money, maya's definitely a very big thing to have, but I wouldn't go that route unless you're born of money, know what you're doing and born of money, or really know what you're doing and have a solid lead on profiting greatly from your work.

Otherwise, 3ds Max or Carrara are definitely two to consider. I personally think Carrara is more worth the purchase if you're looking at the "under $1,000" spending range.

In any case, you need to be ready commit serious time and effort to learn these programs, because none of them do all the work for you.


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Lightwave. Best results with the lowest price tag.


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If you have the money, get 3dsmax or maya (I use 3ds max heavily.... If not, get anim8or or blender. Blender is pretty much as powerful as any application out there but has a very steep learning curve. Whichever way you take it is going to require a lot of effort on your part so keep that in mind :)