Floyd; Thanks for the support! I really hope I will finish it some day, this wip alreayd took 3 hours to render, itll be fun ^,^
Spicy; Heh I wish I could say with certainty i was going to animate it.. But taking the render times into account + my animating experience in anim8or, I dont think it will happen.. but you never know ^^ thanks though!
onespirit6777; Heh thanks a lot

Indian8or; Yea i have a few locomotives in my back yard, uhhh.... no sorry ahah.. I am using some crappy reference images, so a lot of it is guessing =) im glad you like it though!
captaindrewi; For which part would you like an .an8 script? a locomotive? hahaha that would be a hellova script

Thanks for the support though!
Update06Ive been modeling quite a few things, but progress is going slow.. So i figured i would show you what got so far, the very front smaller wheels are attached. I will work my way backwards from here

A Ao render here to show some details ( it took 3 hours to render, probably cuase i had the wrong material for the ground.. )