Hey thats looking good so far! like the texturing too. something things that i feel would improve the lighting in this picture;
- move the sun a bit backwards, so that the whole side of the building is in the shadows
- put the shadow darkness to 100%
- the suns shadows are never all sharp, maybe try it with a 10% area shadow or something, just so they are not completely sharp.
- render out an occlusion pass, and try to composite over the rendered image in a 2d software. If done correct this will make it a lot darker inside the doors, and in dark corners like where the fountain hits the floor, under the balcony and where the walls come together.
If it looks good, maybe you could add reflections on the marble instead of just a specular, though not perfect reflections but a tiiiiny bit glossy. ( maybe the same on the paintwork)
A final note is that the sky looks out of perspective with the rest of the image.. have a look if you can move it a slight bit.
The fact I have so many things to note is a good sign

haha i like where this is going and would love to see it improve!