Lets say you want to add a side to a few faces.
You have to store all the data of these faces:point indexes,material
indexes, etc, then delete the faces and finally recreate them.
The problem is that if you delete the last face using a material,
Anim8or removes the material from the material list.
The faces are all created,but some end up transparent
since their material index points at a non existing material.
Would it be possible to let the responsability of cleaning up to the
script using the RemoveUnusedMaterials(void)
or the RemoveUnusedData(void) function ?
Small detail,the spec says:
"OpenFace() begins the definition of a new face. It returns the index of the newly created face. If an error occurs it returns 0 and no new face is added. "
It seems problematic that the error returns a valid index value 0 .