Yeah, its kind of like he is a gymnast and didn't quite stick the landing. BUT he is a 5 ton robot and shouldn't need to hop.
I have been meaning to extend the landing. Make him pause for a bit more and rise more slowly for dramatic effect.
I took your advice on the sun so it's not SO washed out but the camera is pointing directly at the sun. Also the low quality of the You Tube video (even with high quality setting on) looks washed out compared to the original.
I need to get some webspace to store higher quality video.

I just noticed the wing and the wheel overlap when he lands (doh)

Anyways I've been working on a chase scene and its set up right now but is way too short.
If anyone is really interested I suppose I could post the model so they could see how I transformed it.
PS anyone know a good way to do a
skybox (panoramic backgrounds don't work when you go vertical.