1387 scene mode
1) crashing/freezing when trying to render .avi. Seems to be with complex figures. ('complex' meaning a character figure. Very basic figures do render into avi ok.)
same files will render in 1385 no probs
2)folders not showing correctly in timetrack with 'complex' figures.
(folders greyed out, empty and unselectable. The folder contents are listed below the folder name, and can be slected.)
Folders working and showing correctly in 1835
EDIT: Have attached example/test .an8 zip
Scene 2 is a simple figure and renders ok.
Scene 1 'complex' is character figure, which freezes when trying to render. You'll also see in the timetrack, under figure01, shows 'Rhand', which is actually the
folder name and should contain the bones of the right hand.