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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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 on: July 08, 2024, 01:24:04 pm 
Started by raindrop - Last post by Steve
This is a good idea. One reason I originally added attributes is to make it easier to experiment with new ideas. But once something is part of Anim8or I agree that it's much easier to to use a dialog.

 on: June 18, 2024, 12:10:42 am 
Started by CoriDavis - Last post by raindrop
I have used Anim8or version 1.0 and it have those options. I do not know if previous version than 1.0 have those options.
Have a nice day.

 on: June 17, 2024, 01:58:23 pm 
Started by CoriDavis - Last post by CoriDavis
Ah heck, I didn't realize that was there. Was it added recently?

 on: June 15, 2024, 11:09:46 pm 
Started by CoriDavis - Last post by raindrop
CoriDavis copying material and pasting it as a new material can be done by edit>copy material than edit>paste material and giving it a new name. :) I also did edit>copy material by selecting material in object section then clicked in file section and did edit>paste material and it worked. So it looks like that we can paste object materials to file section of materials. :)

 on: June 15, 2024, 02:19:46 pm 
Started by CoriDavis - Last post by CoriDavis
So many times I've made a texture and not realized how much I'd need it more throughout my project beyond the first object I made with it. But there's no way to easily change it from "Object" to "File" without remaking the texture, or perhaps editing the code of your Anim8or file if you're clever.

It would be nice to have a checkbox or dropdown within the material dialog that can allow you to switch the assignment at any time.

Alternatively it would be cool to be able to copy/paste materials, not only as a way to move a material between File and Object, but to make it easier to make a new material based on an existing one without having to redo all the settings from scratch. But I imagine that would be a lot harder to implement.

 on: June 12, 2024, 12:28:34 pm 
Started by raindrop - Last post by CoriDavis
I do agree. If you don't already know how it works, you'd have no clues how to use it in its current state.

It would make a lot of sense to have drop-down menus of the current classes and attributes instead of expecting to already know what to type (and risking typos, resulting in it not working). And for each attribute, users could go to the manual to learn what they do, or it would even be great if there was a tooltip that briefly explained them.

This would even make it more enticing to experiment with different attributes and combinations.

 on: June 11, 2024, 05:27:18 pm 
Started by leader - Last post by Helen-SBA
I want to use cyrillic charset, but cannot set it. Thanks.
Me too.  :'(

I found this post,4795.msg38745.html#msg38745 but I'm having a lot of trouble getting the correct code for my texts.
Please, Steve, add an easier way to do this.

 on: June 09, 2024, 12:57:44 am 
Started by raindrop - Last post by raindrop
Setting classes and attributes manually makes me to use it less. If there was options for enabling class transparent, class dieelectric and others directly by clicking it will be nice.   :)

 on: June 09, 2024, 12:52:13 am 
Started by olan - Last post by raindrop
Chauna on the couch looked really nice. I like lighting options in anim8or. I many times use scene properties > global lightning and change ambient value to 1 or 2 to make things hidden by shadows visible. But I agree with you on using anim8or Art Ray Tracer materials. Setting classes and attributes manually makes me to use it less. If there was options for enabling class transparent, class dieelectric and others directly by clicking it will be nice. 

 on: June 09, 2024, 12:32:13 am 
Started by Wowsie - Last post by raindrop
After making a curve make a shape by using build > primitives > N-gon then use add N-gon tool in shapes section. Now select that shape then go to build > extrude and choose along a path option. After confirming the dialog you need to click on the curve you created first. Now there will be tube. ;)

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