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Messages - Scritch

Pages: [1]
Ok I've put a lot of divisions in the mesh and effected the transformer on the very corner of it (with 200 degree of bending), it curves it very cool. But I can't imagine how time I will have to spend if I want to bend in different ways 10 or more sheets of paper...
Hoping that next version of anim8or will have a tissue handling

Thanks CowTail!!

General Anim8or Forum / [Modeling question] Make a flying sheet of paper
« on: October 16, 2008, 11:06:58 am »
Hi all,

I am quite new in using Anim8or and I'd like to make an image of a picture falling on the ground (not a movie). The idea is that I would like it to be curved like a flying sheet of paper falling from the sky (imagine a feather falling with wind), almost folded.

I started to do this with a small plane and the "bend" transformer tool, but the result is not very accurate and I can't get to bend the corner of the picture as I'd like to.

I then tried with moving the points of the mesh, but this leads to strange results as I am not very good in modeling.

Any help would be appreciated !! Ty ::)

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