« on: September 21, 2008, 03:50:47 pm »
I need help with exporting in .mesh format.
I need help with exporting, because when I export it, the points in the mesh don't show up, or it doesn't export it fully.
I got this script strieght from the roblox wiki:
Description: Add this to your Anim8or scripts directory and start Anim8or. The script MUST have the ".a8s" extension and be in the Anim8or Scripts folder. Make sure that "Preload Scripts" is set to ON (this is NECCESSARY). This script has been tested for 0.95 and 0.97 preview.
#plugin("object", "export", "Roblox Mesh", ".mesh");
#file($output, "text");
file $output;
int $result;
object $obj;
shape $shape, $shapes[1], $childShapes[1];
tridata $data;
material $mat;
int $numFaces;
point3 $point, $normal, $color;
point2 $uv;
int $i;
int $j;
int $index, $mIndex;
int $count;
float $gCol;
string $nm;
string $newName;
float4x4 $tMatrix;
$nm = $output.GetRoot();
$obj = project.curObject;
$output.print("version 1.00\n");
$shapes.size = 0;
while($childShapes.size > 0)
while($shapes.size > 0)
$shape = $shapes.pop();
$shape = $shape.ConvertToMesh();
$data = $shape.GetTriangleData();
$numFaces = $data.GetNumTriangles();
$tMatrix = $shape.GetGlobalTransform();
for $i = 0 to $numFaces - 1 do {
for $j = 0 to 2 step 1 do {
$index = $data.GetIndex(($i*3)+$j);
$point = $data.GetPoint($index);
$point = $tMatrix.Project($point);
$normal = $data.GetNormal($index);
$uv = $data.GetTexCoord($index);
$output.print("[%.6g, %.6g, %.6g]", $point.x, $point.y, $point.z);
$output.print("[%.5f, %.5f, %.5f]", $normal.x, $normal.y, $normal.z);
$output.print("[%.5f, %.5f, 0]", $uv.x, $uv.y);
$result = 1;
I would be grateful If someone could help.