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Messages - sonny238473248732

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / CRE8OR THREAD >>??? 2019 HELP / DUMP:: PART 2
« on: July 23, 2019, 05:13:14 am »
I want to thank you guys so much you guys are the best! I successfully got CRE8OR working! 8)

couple of questions though. I see that you can mainly compile this in C++

 there has to be built in variables, functions, and constants for this program right?
would anybody have a list of them?

has anybody used this before? any advice to give to me ? not really a programmer at all

okay so I compiled a text file with all of the references to build a game with. it was all done already for the most part, oh yea
and in virtual box there is a section in the settings under display that lets you enable 3D acceleration. for some reason it disables
regular directx so your going to have to find a workaround. THANK YOU TO KREATOR YOU'VE BEEN VERY HELPFUL AND I AM GRATEFUL   :D :D :D :'(
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would anybody know of any video tutorials? I can only find one on youtube

General Anim8or Forum / Re: CRE8OR THREAD >>??? 2019 HELP / DUMP
« on: July 21, 2019, 06:50:14 pm »
Having trouble getting the ogre engine to work. On Virtualbox Via XP . going through the contents it seems like the ogre engine is already embedded inside of it. would I have to replace the engine? this is the path ::

trying both of the options OpenGL & Directx3D9 both lead to errors.

I have both redistributable 3.0 as well as Directx3D9 manually installed

General Anim8or Forum / CRE8OR THREAD >>??? 2019 HELP / DUMP
« on: July 21, 2019, 11:04:54 am »
Okay so I understand this engine is dead. Only links that are useful I can find on WayBack. I understand it uses C++, but is there a pdf tutorial for this ? I can't find anything regarding the KJX engine. I would very much appreciate it  :D

Pages: [1]