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Messages - Balmung

Pages: [1]
General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 07, 2009, 03:56:08 pm »
Wow it looks awesome, can't wait till i get to try that.  I had issues though when trying to combine a item, because it would end up like combining it with the wrong part or not even adding it at all. I guess i'll have to take more time at combining the items with the points, rather than grouping them.  Ill watch the video when i get a chance to, but i dout i will be able to do much with my laptop, im currently on vacation with my parents(free food, free trip whooo!).  It can not handle anim8or to well, my graphics card sucks lol, but i will watch the videos and try to see what i can do on my laptop.  Thank you so much for all your help with my project, it has showed me so many things, in which i need to work on!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 03, 2009, 05:31:28 pm »
WOW thank you so much for that second video. To others it may have not been a lot but it showed me a very neat trick that I should have been using since day 1.  Pretty much all i did was throw primitives together and grouped them to look good. If someone was to actually come along and try to use them they would nearly kill me T.T.  But thank you again, although I was wondering why you moved the axis around in the axis selection thingy forgot what its real name is.  Can not wait to see more! I think it will defintely help the community out, especially first timers that want to take their abilities to the next level! Thank you again, if there is anything I can do let me know :D.
p.s. you would probably comment on my tennessean country accent if i made a video :P.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 10:09:23 pm »
wow thanks for the video it helped shed some light on my abilities. apparetnly even after using anim8or for 4 years im still no better than a 1st day noob lol.  Loved the commitary and your accent though. I have no clue as to why you were having so much trouble with the handle o.O all i basically did was take a cylinder, mesh it , and mold it into the way it was. It probably was just the file i sent because it was the one created by the program i believe.  The other one though is joined solids as well however to save you time i seperated them all out.  Apparetnly some how i had a clone of each part hiding in on me.  I thank you for your continued help!
thats the file to the one i edited for you.  sorry you were have such a difficult time with this. ^.^; i guess i have a lot to learn, I tried tutorials when i first was learning how to use anim8or then i just kinda self taught myself from there but i guess i need professional help ;P. If there is anything i can do just let me know!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 03:15:14 pm »
that would be great, I could never thank you enough for a vid tutorial.  Here is the .obj file
should be the same as the .an8 or at least i hope, if not let me know and ill upload the other asap ^.^

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:44:21 am »
yeah the uv - tool is somethign i never used.  The tutorial for the uv map classic clearly statted do not use the uv map to apply the texture(which i do not even know how to atm) it just said dont move the model, dont do anythign but basically paint the map and apply it, but after i had done this it just basically was a mini verison of what i had done and the rest that was not painted was white, i can show you a picture of what im talking about if you need, it is rather hard to explain.
also another question or 2 about texturing.
1). is it possible to texture what i paint but use anim8ors tweaking ability to make it reflect or shiny?
2). Kinda dumb but the tutorial for it and my information about it was lost long ago.  Making a cartoonish effect on anim8or, i used the tutorial but it was kinda outdated compared to what we use now.  I was wondering what the settings have to be on the outline part?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 03:47:51 am »
well i have tried doing that; however, i was following the measurements from the tutorials, which might have caused a problem, or some other factor.  My main concern about photoshop is that i get a message that is brought up saying you have to convert the image into such and such when i try using the clone brush to paint the exact image to my model map.  when  i apply the texture(that i done in paint) by adding a new color, clicking texture, clicking diffuse and finding my texture and applying it to my model the image is like repeated over and over becasue its like small, not  anything close to waht its suppose to be. Is it possible to use the clone brush as a way to "paint" the image that i want onto the model.  Also I have not heard of blacksmith nor used it, what sort of things does it offer?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 02:28:23 am »
i have been trying to use the uv mapper classic, it just messes with it because im not sure on how to use it for wierd shaped objects like this.

General Anim8or Forum / Question About texturing
« on: July 02, 2009, 01:50:42 am »
Hello I have been using anim8or for quite some time now, and even though I still am learning new things everyday about it.  I have came upon a snag though of which might hender my future ablities.  I have always wanted to texturize my models in a way to help make them look more professional like.  my current model that i need texturing is here:
and the image is suppose to look like this:
to save on loading time ill just leave the links lol
could someone help me with texturing for this and other items similar to it? i already joined the items together so tearing them apart is kinda impossible now, but if i have to start over it wouldnt matter much.  I just would like to know how i can texturize my models to make them look better. I have tried serveral tutors but they only work for like boxed , or primitive objects which have not been moved, or something to that effect because i get weird results ._.  please find it in your heart to help a semi veteran noob out x3

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Texture problems
« on: August 16, 2008, 11:51:00 pm »
omg i compared to my laptop XD wow i feel noobish that i didnt notice that before ( wonder how it got changed >.<) thanks so much :D your a life saver

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Texture problems
« on: August 16, 2008, 09:19:40 pm »
>.> not to be mean or anything but im not that noobish lol.  i showed on the 7th picture that after clicking apply (like the title says) the laptop worked fine as you could see; however, the desktop computer did not even flinch even after clicking apply 1000+ times (not a exageration).  The only thing i can think of is some how i must have switched or done something to mess up the settings on my desktop but it is not visible to me however because i went step by step on my laptop and desktop on the settings and everything seems to be setup right.  I am sorry this is so trouble some but its bugging me because its hard to animate on my laptops touch pad rather than my destkop's mouse.  I have tried everything i can think of but nothing will work, earlier you said something about maybe its missing uv coordinates? what exactly did you mean by that ? anyways for now i guess i can only use anim8or on my laptop sadly.  Thanks for your help and everything, if you post something i know ill try it and tell you the results itself

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Texture problems
« on: August 16, 2008, 03:05:31 pm »
ok here is the album to the pictures; however, i figured out what the problem was on the color difference somethign is up with my monitor however the result is still the same no matter what i do to the monitor. The pictures can be found here:
they are not really in order but they have Desktop 1 and Laptop1 in the names showing what the pictures look like on each computer at the same time(basically all you have to do is match up the numbers :P simple  i know :D). if you have any questions let me know but i used the same anim8or and everything (i may have messed it up on my desktop somehow and it saved it corrrupting it forever o.O seems to be the only explanation now)  if you have any questoins please post but this is all i know to do for now btw ( i havent sleep yet so if i talk funny or crazy just forgive me please >.<)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Texture problems
« on: August 16, 2008, 08:57:35 am »
well those areas i circled were a darker grey on my laptop however the colors were 224(default for anim8or) yet by the picture you can tell they do not look grey more tanish to me. anyways i use the diffuse to upload my texture to (which is what i done on my laptop) and then it just darkens it a smidge and nothing happens. sadly i can not figure out the problem the only difference i saw in my laptop and my desktop is those areas i circled

edit: if you want i can upload step by step what i do on my desktop and give you a link to like a place with them all in it if you want, be easier rather than scrolling a lot

General Anim8or Forum / Texture problems
« on: August 16, 2008, 08:27:45 am »
Hello i have used anim8or for a long time but i have not really dabbled into its "full" potiential yet.  The problem I am having seems to be a very wierd error.  On my laptop (running anim8or as windows xp service pack2(vista)) the texture workes amazing and couldnt be better but when i go to my desktop authentic Windows Xp service pack 2 and do step by step on a fresh anim8or v095c (same on laptop) it does nothing more than tint the circle or watever object grey i think i found the problem but i can not fix it because im not that advance :P here is  a pic of what i think the error is however when compared to my laptop everything seems to match up just the texture is messed up sadly.
Picture is here:

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