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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

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Messages - Astantax

Pages: [1]
Hi all, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster.

Anywho, I'd sure love to make tubes, wires and pipes that curve and bend every whichway.  I can't seem to make anim8or want to go ahead and extrude a shape (like, say, a circle) along a spline, like in the manual.  It comes out looking like a ribbon instead of a pipe or tube..  The manual says:

Note: The "center point" for the extrusion is the initial origin of your spline. Make sure that you create the spline around the origin or the results won't be what you expect.

I don't know what this means.

- Brian

Pages: [1]