General Anim8or Forum / Adding Objects?
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:16:22 am »
So i've been doing the simple walk tutorial and I've got to the creation of the skeleton. But as im finishing the feet I have to select the foot bone then Build -> AddObject, but when the box comes up to select my other objects from the project, they dont appear. ie. the feet I'm trying to attach arn't there (let alone the rest of the pieces). I can always open up the foot mesh (and other meshes) in another Anim8or file and copy/ paste it in but thats more of a hassle than what the tutorial is saying what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
Never mind, I found my problem. When I went to make a new "object" I went to file -> new, not object -> new.
Never mind, I found my problem. When I went to make a new "object" I went to file -> new, not object -> new.