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Messages - Shrooblord

Pages: [1]
I got the lip thing to work by itself. I new how to do it, but I had made the "lip" object on a specific co-ordinate, based on where the "mouth" was. That`s why it was somewhere beyond the bone itself, instead of the suspected position...
But now, if I move the lip, it goes straight THROUGH the mouth!
(Remember it`s an eggplant model, so it`s a half of an oval which goes straight through an actual oval. Like a shell of an egg. The shell goes straight through the egg itself!(in my case))
How would I solve this?
Nevermind, I just scaled down the egg-mouth. It works now.

The Manual?
The in-"game"-help file?
My Help... option is disabled!
I`m not allowed to use my manual, if that`s what you mean by manual...

General Anim8or Forum / How to create objects on to certain bones?
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:13:49 pm »
How do u create objects on bones?
I have this eggplant "moster", made it from the tutorial, gave it tentacles with bones and cilinders and stuff, but now I want to know how to make objects onto bones?
I know it`s possible with root bone, but is it possible with the others?
I have this egg, which is one top and that is supposed to be the mouth. I wanted to create "lips" just like the eylids on the tutorial. But can I do it with bones, so the lips can move?
If i try, the object doesn`t come on the bone, but somewhere on the ground!
Please help.
Sencirialy thanks,
Shrooblord ;D

Pages: [1]