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Messages - pscheunemann

Pages: [1] 2 3
Here are some pictures of the project:

The only things that were done out of anim8or were some of the rain and the dragon's fire, other than that, everything was anim8or.

I know, I should have spent I little more time in editing the video, some of the scenes didn't blend in too well, but to be honest I kind of rushed the whole project a bit. I started this in 2008, and left it unfished for almost 2 years, that was really bugging me, so I went back and finished it.

Also my computer was not helping either, so slow, I sticked most of the time with the first render, even if it didn't came out too good, some of it I was able to fix while editing, other things came through and couldn't quite be fixed, those were some of the things you pointed out...

The grass...XD the grass really looks bad when looking at it from the top, almost droped those entire scenes, but i needed them to end the song...

This is and old project that I had left unfinished...So, these last days I went back to it and finished it

All done in anim8or, with the exception of a few AE fx.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: WIP Fairy Tale Castle
« on: October 09, 2009, 05:32:25 pm »
Lua Tower

Sol Tower

*Still have the gates, surrounding walls, bridge, dockyards, maket place, town and props to do!...

Here is some pics of how the castle is coming together:

Finished Works and Works in Progress / WIP Fairy Tale Castle
« on: October 09, 2009, 05:04:15 pm »
this project started out as a small castle, but I got carried away ;D, so now I want to build a whole complex, with market town and scenery.

The real trouble I'm having is with texturing and rendering, I don't know why, but the textures don't seem to stand out and as for rendering I still have some issues with the art render.

*these are the separate parts of the castle, some aren't totally textured yet:

Main Hall

King's Hall

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Knightmare (Code Geass)
« on: September 14, 2009, 11:12:45 am »
it's looking good!

Thanks for the hint Doc...I'll check it out! i'll be working more with lip synch on my next projects....

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: CITY Project WIP
« on: May 28, 2009, 02:33:43 pm »
I added and also changed a few things...

The Skyline is growing...


New stuff:

*Saint Paul's Abbey (XD I'm paul by the

New City district

Convention Center, and City Tower standing over 400m tall (over 1.300 ft)

Inside Street

Archway Building

*and here is what inspired me to build the City, I'm not really coping the buildings though!

São Paulo - Brasil

I'm afraid this thread might get too heavy because of the pictures! anyways, if it does I'll take some out...

DoctorStopmo, I do have to work on the time-pace, that is an usual flaw on my videos!...

*Arik, not to worry, someone gave me the heads up, on the double "ll" "untill"...thanks anyway!

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: CITY Project
« on: May 28, 2009, 09:09:25 am »
hey, thanks everyone for the helpfull comments!
about shadows, realism, textures, lighting and details...I am going to leave all that for later on in the process, first I just want to get all the buildings settled down on the city plane!

*I'm texturing everything in anim8or's built in UV...maybe I should use uvmapper! I'll also organize the textures later....

*Arik, I love Simcity 4, and I used to spend lots of time on simtropolis XD

Finished Works and Works in Progress / CITY Project WIP
« on: May 27, 2009, 05:16:15 pm »
hi there people ;D! here I am again, this time to post some pictures on the city I'm slowly building up!...I'll be posting more pictures whenever I add new buildings...more details, like reflections, trees, cars, people will be added later on as well....
for now here is what I have so far.....


Twin Bridges


street level

that is true Ensoniq5, I did prof-read, the raw text, but once in After effects, there is no way to do that, and I must have mispelled it (it does happen a lot, I'm a lousy tiper XD)....

and thank you! glad you like the design...I intended to portray him fairer at the end of the video, since he does improves his appearance in order to trick the elves into buying his ideas...but since I was doing this in my spare time at work, it was getting really difficult to keep on adding more details.

falloffalot, thank you! :D

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Artillery Mech WIP
« on: May 12, 2009, 09:37:11 am »
the best anim8or piece I've ever seen! shows its true potential...

The texturing is awesome! it really makes the whole thing stand out!
I'm terrible at texturing, and there are only a few tutorials out there teaching how to properly texture map in anim8or (at least that I'm aware of)...*you should do a tutorial on texturing!XD)

congrats...everything looks superb g3!

Hiho, I did have trouble lip syncing, kind of a nightmare...I'd tried coming up with several technics (for I found little on the net) and the one that worked reasonably well, was first animating more or less how I thought the mouth should move,only then recording my voice over it, as the rendered video played along....(any hints are more than welcome)

and Arik, could you specify that "one little bit", it would be very helpfull to know where I messed up!....

thanks everyone for the comments!

Hi, everyone...i've just finished a project I've been dragging myself onto completion for about a month or so...

it's a fan-video of Sauron saying a few words... in this video I did much practice on lipsinc and tried my best at face moddeling...(used anim8or for modelling, animating and rendering)
I'll just go ahead and post the final result, and as soon as I have more time, I'll post more detailed info on the project, and some pics as well...

if you wanna hear what Sauron has to say, here is your chance: XD

*please view it in HQ, and comment your thoughts on the video!..XD

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